Polygon-Informed Cross-Track Altimetry (PICTA)

Estimating river water level profiles with the Sentinel-6 altimeter

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Traditionally, nadir-looking satellite radar altimeters provide water surface elevations of rivers only at intersections with the satellite’s ground track, called virtual stations. These observations have limited spatial coverage because such cross-overs are sparse, depending on the altimeter's orbit. In this work, we introduce the novel concept of Polygon-Informed Cross-Track Altimetry (PICTA), enabling precise measurement of water surface elevations at cross-track distances---for as long as the target's signal is recorded in the altimeter's range window. Using fully-focused SAR data from the Sentinel-6 altimetry mission, we demonstrate how the new approach can provide detailed river elevation profiles over a ground swath of about 14 km cross-track width and with an along-track resolution as fine as 10 m. On the one hand, this marks a drastic improvement in the number of available measurements when compared to the virtual station approach, on the other hand, for the first time, water surface slopes and level variations along the river, caused by rapids, dams, and sluices, can be directly observed using a nadir radar altimeter. The validation over two river segments in France reveals biases as low as [[EQUATION]]4 cm and random errors on the order of 3 to 8 cm at 30 m along-track resolution. The new PICTA concept can potentially be generalized to other targets, such as lakes or even coastlines.


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