W.A. Timmer

44 records found

This article reports about a wind-tunnel experiment carried out in the ONERA F2 low-speed wind tunnel on a model of the DU 97-W-300Mod airfoil designed for wind turbine application. The wind tunnel, the airfoil model, and experimental techniques used are presented, with special e ...
This chapter focuses on airfoils for wind turbine blades and their characteristics. The use of panel codes such as XFOIL and RFOIL and CFD codes for the prediction of airfoil characteristics is briefly described. This chapter then discusses the requirements for wind turbine blade ...
An accurate representation of two-dimensional airfoil characteristics measured in a wind tunnel generally requires the inclusion of corrections for interference effects that exist due to the presence of the wind tunnel walls. This chapter discusses the most commonly used correcti ...
There is continuous effort to try and improve the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine blades. This experimental study focusses on the addition of a passive slat on a thick airfoil typically used in the inboard part of commercial wind turbine blades. Nine different slat config ...
At the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games, zigzag tape was introduced on the race suit lower legs and cap of speed skaters. Application of these zigzag devices on live skaters and cylinders in the wind tunnel showed large improvements in the aerodynamic drag. These wind-tunnel resu ...
A relatively simple method is presented to predict the maximum two-dimensional drag coefficient of an airfoil only using its shape. The method is based on a contribution related to the leading edge thickness in terms of the y/c coordinate at x/c=0.0125 and a contribution related ...
Standard passive aerodynamic flow control devices such as vortex generators and gurney flaps have a working principle that is well understood. They increase the stall angle and the lift below stall and are mainly applied at the inboard part of wind turbine blades. However, the po ...
Aerodynamic experiments have been executed in the wind tunnel and on a wind turbine blade to measure the impact of roughness on the airfoil characteristics and the associated effect on rotor performance and to establish the transition location on a rotating blade. The wind tunnel ...
The accuracy of airfoil polar predictions is limited by the usage of imperfect turbulence models. Can machine-learning improve this situation? Will airfoil polars teach the effect of turbulence on skin-friction? We try to answer these questions by refining turbulence treatment in ...
In modern large wind turbine blades thick flat back airfoils are often used in the root part of the blades due to their structural advantages. Although in the root structural properties are more important than aerodynamic performance, thick flat back airfoils do have higher drag ...
We describe a probabilistic approach to design airfoils for wind energy applications. An analytical expression is derived for the probability of perturbations to the operational blade-section angle of attack. It includes the combined influence of wind shear, yaw-misalignment, and ...
Passive vane-type vortex generators (VGs) are commonly used on wind turbine blades to mitigate the effects of flow separation. However, significant uncertainty surrounds VG design guidelines. Understanding the influence of VG parameters on airfoil performance requires a systemati ...
We explore integral boundary layer approximations for shear layer flows with vortex generators. The flow field is decomposed to highlight two phenomena: shear over the wall and vortex-driven mixing of the shear layer. The Navier-Stokes Equations are normalized to identify a new a ...
This study describes a methodology for designing airfoils suitable to employ actuation in a wind energy environment. The novel airfoil sections are baptized wind energy actuated profiles (WAP). A genetic algorithm-based multi-objective airfoil optimizer is formulated by setting t ...
Experimental results and complimentary computations for airfoils with vortex generators are compared in this paper, as part of an e_ort within the AVATAR project to develop tools for wind turbine blade control devices. Measurements from two airfoils equipped with passive vortex g ...
There are many ways to learn from data. Our first experiment consisted in reproducing the way aerodynamicists work [2] with a genetic optimizer. The data pool was too narrow and asymptotic tendencies were unreliable. Our 2nd Experiment, a simple version of [4], had a virtually un ...
Bobsleighs races nowadays are decided upon hundredths of a second. As the margins are that small the aerodynamics of a bobsleigh can play a significant role in a race outcome. This paper investigates the influence of the gap between the nose and the rear cowling of a two-man bobs ...