O. Pires

5 records found

The hybrid testing method developed by CENER for floating wind turbine scaled tests combining wind and waves (SIL) has been upgraded in order to introduce not only the wind turbine rotor thrust, but also the out-of-plane rotor moments (aerodynamic and gyroscopic). The former duct ...
This paper presents a new hardware-in-the-loop methodology for wave-basin scale-model experiments about floating offshore wind turbines and its application as a tool for the validation of control strategies. In the hardware-in-the-loop experiments, the physical Froude-scaled wind ...
Aerodynamic experiments have been executed in the wind tunnel and on a wind turbine blade to measure the impact of roughness on the airfoil characteristics and the associated effect on rotor performance and to establish the transition location on a rotating blade. The wind tunnel ...

Latest results from the EU project AVATAR

Aerodynamic modelling of 10 MW wind turbines

This paper presents the most recent results from the EU project AVATAR in which aerodynamic models are improved and validated for wind turbines on a scale of 10 MW and more. Measurements on a DU 00-W-212 airfoil are presented which have been taken in the pressurized DNW-HDG wind ...