J. Goyal
6 records found
This study deals with the comparison of different numerical fidelity levels to predict the noise of an isolated propeller in positive and negative thrust conditions. For this purpose, unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) and Improved Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulations
This paper presents an improved approach for fast numerical modeling of the mutual aerodynamic interactions between a wing and tractor propellers for preliminary design purposes. Vortex methods are used to model the propeller and wing aerodynamic performance. The blade element mo
Operating a conventional propeller at negative thrust results in the operation of positively cambered blade sections at negative angles of attack, leading to flow separation. Consequently, accurately simulating the aerodynamics of propellers operating at negative thrust poses a g
Using propellers in negative thrust conditions can potentially result in many benefits, such as a steeper descent, a reduced landing run, reduced community noise, energy regeneration, etc. However, the aerodynamics and aeroacoustics of propellers in this regime are not well under
This paper studies the effect of operation at non-zero angles of attack on the aerodynamic performance and far-field noise emissions of an isolated propeller operating at positive and negative thrust conditions. To achieve this, scale-resolved lattice-Boltzmann very large eddy si
Regenerative propellers offer many potential benefits such as improved maneuverability, reduced landing run, and decreased community noise, besides the potential to reduce energy consumption by recovering energy during descent and landing. Since the blade loading in regenerative