Towards a Novel Physics-Based Correction to Amiet's Theory for Inflow-Turbulence Noise Prediction
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A physical analysis has been conducted to assess the effects of turbulence distortion on leading-edge noise generation and low-fidelity modeling in the framework of Amiet's theory. This model retrieves the power spectral density (PSD) of far-field noise using as input the upwash velocity spectrum of incoming turbulent flow and an aeroacoustic transfer function modeling the aerodynamic and acoustic response of the airfoil to the perturbation. The study has been carried out by investigating the interaction of grid-generated turbulence with a NACA 0012 and a NACA 0012-103, featuring the same thickness but different leading-edge shape. The alteration of the velocity field has been shown to occur in agreement with the analytical findings of the rapid distortion theory (RDT), identifying in particular an exponential decay for the upwash-velocity component spectrum at high frequencies. The same decay is observed for the surface-pressure spectra close to the leading edge, suggesting that sound is generated by a pressure distribution induced by the altered velocity field and hence proving that turbulence-distortion effects should be included to enhance the noise-prediction accuracy of low-fidelity models. This has been further demonstrated by using as input in Amiet's model the altered upwash velocity spectrum sampled in the immediate vicinity of the leading edge: an improved prediction of the high-frequency decay is yielded, but the evident overestimation of the noise levels with respect to the results provided by the Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings' (FWH) analogy indicates the necessity of correcting the aeroacoustic transfer function as well.