15 records found

A decades-long steady rise in air movements has disproportionally impacted airport-neighbouring communities. These communities bear the brunt of the aviation industry's air, and noise pollution, detrimental to their livelihood. Airports near densely populated areas face increasin ...

Turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise is becoming an increasingly important problem in wind turbine applications. The wind turbine rotor diameter is expected to keep growing bigger in the future and trailing edge noise is known to scale with the relati ...

Airborne wind energy systems offer a promising approach for renewable energy generation. However, the noise emissions associated with these systems should be understood and minimized as well to promote their integration and (social) acceptance. This research aims to identify the ...
With an unprecedented surge in the number of individuals utilizing electric vehicles for commuting across the globe, it is becoming critical to immediately deliver an adequate and range-friendly degree of thermal comfort in car cabins to help drivers remain focused and attentive. ...
The research presented in this thesis focuses on the receptivity to surface roughness of swept wing boundary layers dominated by crossflow instabilities (CFI), providing insights into how surface roughness can be used to passively control the developing instabilities. Discrete r ...
The design of electrical machines is complicated due to the number of variables involved and due to competing objectives like efficiency, weight and cost. Another important aspect is the involvement of different physical phenomena such as torque production, electromagnetic fields ...
Permeable trailing edges are experimentally investigated in this thesis as a mean tomitigate aeroacoustic noise. The first part of the study is devoted to deciphering themechanisms of noise generation involved in these devices. To this aim, trailing-edge inserts are manufactured ...
The addition of porous material to the trailing edge of airfoils was studied numerically and experimentally. The purpose of this work is to inspect whether the penalization method can be successfully used to describe flows through porous media. In the numerical study, the penaliz ...
Rotors have played a huge role in the history of the aerospace industry. It is being widely used in small scale aircraft, helicopters, ships, wind turbines, to name a few. The study of noise generated by the rotors is an important subject of research. This project aims to charact ...
Metamaterials are a new class of materials that have properties that cannot be found in nature. Though these artificially engineered structures have not been prominently used in many applications, they have been theoretically studied to have a variety of applications in many sect ...

Aeroacoustic investigation of a stridor patient’s upper respiratory system

A Lattice Boltzmann Method simulation using Exa PowerFLOW

Children and adults suffering from Upper Airway Obstructions (UAOs) are nowadays examined using an invasive endoscopy. Because this diagnostic technique unavoidably exposes the patient to certain health risks, there exists a clear need for a non-intrusive diagnostic tool. Several ...
Wind turbine noise has become an important issue when developing onshore
wind farms as turbines have scale up rapidly in the latest decades. The interest of this project is focused on the characterization and modelling of noise as a source based on the specific physics from w ...

Exploration of Ensemble Kalman Filter for parameter estimation with plasma actuators

Twin experiment and application using experimentally obtained quasi-steady ow fields

This thesis aims to explore and enable parameter estimation using the data assimilation method of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF). More specillically applied to the quasi-steady flow field, measured using particle image velocimetry (PIV), of a plasma actuator in quiescent ow wh ...
Active load control for load alleviation has become more important in the wind energy industry in recent years. The continuously increasing size of wind turbines has eventually led to the point where efficient mitigation of the fatigue loads on the blades, due to unsteady wind or ...