E. Grande

12 records found

This paper aims to investigate, by means of Lattice-Boltzmann simulations, the flow-field and far-field noise of two co-axial co-rotating rotors operating at 3000 rpm in hover conditions. The two co-rotating configurations are made by 2×2-bladed rotors with a fixed axial separati ...
Propeller noise generally exhibits a rich mixture of tonal and broadband components related to different physical mechanisms. Specifically, the tones are characterized by having deterministic and persistent characteristics, while the broadband counterpart has random behaviour. Th ...
The present study reports a novel wavelet-based method aimed at separating the noise emitted by a single propeller into two contributions, tonal and broadband. An assessment using two different experimental investigations of propellers operating in diverse configurations is prese ...
This paper explains the presence and relevance of noise caused by a laminar separation bubble (LSB) on a propeller operating at a low Reynolds number. Microphone measurements of a propeller with both clean and forced boundary-layer transition blades are carried out in an anechoic ...
This paper presents an experimental investigation of a propeller operating at low Reynolds numbers and provides insights into the role of aerodynamic flow features on both propeller performances and noise generation. A propeller operating at a tip Reynolds number regime of 4.3 × ...
This paper presents a computational study of flow incidence effects on the aeroacoustics of a propeller operating at low blade-tip Mach numbers. The numerical flow solution is obtained by using the Lattice-Boltzmann/Very Large Eddy Simulation method, while far-field noise is comp ...
A noise footprint prediction framework for propeller-driven aircraft which couples an aerodynamic model and several aeroacoustic models is presented in this study. The aerodynamic model is based on the blade element momentum theory, while the aeroacoustic models are based on a ti ...
This paper explains the presence and relevance of noise caused by a laminar separation bubble (LSB) on a propeller operating at low-Reynolds number. Microphone measurements of a propeller with both clean and forced boundary layer transition blades are carried out in an anechoic w ...
This paper proposes a CFD/CAA-based approach to predict the aerodynamic performances and tonal/broadband noise radiation of low-Reynolds number propellers at engineering level. Broadband self-noise prediction of low-Reynolds number propellers is particularly challenging, due to t ...
The present study reports an experimental investigation regarding one of the most effective and most studied passive control technique in literature to mitigate the noise pollution radiating by a small drone: the Serrated Trailing Edge (STE). 23 quiet propellers have been designe ...
Experimental and numerical results of a propeller of 0.3 m diameter operated in quiescent standard ambient conditions at 5000 RPM and axial velocity ranging from 0 to 20 m/s and advance ratio ranging from 0 to 0.8 are presented as a preliminary step towards the definition of a be ...
Experimental and numerical results of a propeller of 0.3 m diameter operated at 5000 RPM and axial velocity ranging from 0 to 20 m/s and advance ratio ranging from 0 to 0.8 are presented as a preliminary step towards the definition of a benchmark configuration for low Reynolds nu ...