C. Schram

27 records found

Aeroacoustics research in Europe

The CEAS-ASC report on 2023 highlights

The Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS) Aeroacoustics Specialists Committee (ASC) supports and promotes the interests of the scientific and industrial aeroacoustics community on a European scale and European aeronautics activities internationally. In this context, “aer ...
This paper elucidates the link between the near-wake development of a circular cylinder coated with a porous material in a low Mach-number flow and the related aerodynamic sound attenuation. It accomplishes this by formulating the cylinder flow-induced noise as a diffraction prob ...
The empirical calibration of remote microphone probes (RMP), used to acquire wall-pressure fluctuations, can introduce spurious resonance into the sensor transfer function due to the difference in the pressure field inside the calibrator geometry over multiple calibration steps. ...
The Urban Air Mobility market is currently experiencing rapid growth with significanti nvestments directed toward the development of novel aircraft designs aimed at enhancing performance efficiency and reducing climate impact. Nevertheless, the emergence of noise pollution as a r ...
Integrating a porous material into the structure of an aerofoil constitutes a promising passive strategy for mitigating the noise from turbulence–body interactions that has been extensively explored in the past few decades. When a compact permeable body is considered in the aeroa ...
Unsteady surface pressures shed light on the turbulent structures of boundary-layer flows, which dictate for a large part the aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance of bodies submersed in a flow. Remote microphone probes (RMP) provide advantages compared to flush-mounted probes ...
Integrating porous materials into the structure of an airfoil constitutes a promising passive strategy for mitigating the noise from turbulence-body interactions that has been extensively explored in the past few decades. When a compact permeable body is considered in the aeroaco ...
A small didactic wind tunnel demonstrator has been designed and manufactured at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics to illustrate the physical principles at stake in flow-induced noise generation, offer an audible perception of the effectiveness of noise-mitigation strate ...

Development of the SmartAnswer Demonstrator

A Didactic Wind Tunnel for Aeroacoustic Applications

A small didactic wind tunnel demonstrator has been designed and manufactured at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics to illustrate the physical principles at stake in flow-induced noise generation, offer an audible perception of the effectiveness of noise-mitigation strate ...
Sound emissions of an automotive engine cooling system are studied using both single-microphone directivity measurements and a rotating beamforming technique. These measurements provide reference acoustic data on such a system and some new understanding of the effect that the rad ...
The distortion of homogeneous isotropic turbulence interacting with a porous cylinder is calculated by means of the Rapid Distortion Theory (RDT). The porous treatment, characterised by a constant static permeability, is modelled as an impedance boundary condition accounting for ...
View Video Presentation: https://doi-org.tudelft.idm.oclc.org/10.2514/6.2021-2289.vid

A possible strategy for the reduction of the aeroacoustic noise generated by turbulence interacting with a wing profile, also referred to as leading-edge noise, is represented by the im ...
Aerodynamic noise emitted by low-speed axial fans has been receiving increasing attention in various sectors of high societal impact, such as automotive and HVAC systems. In this framework, turbulence interaction, flow non-uniformities, trailing-edge boundary layer fluctuations a ...
This paper investigates the application of flow-permeable materials as a solution for reducing jet-installation noise. Experiments are carried out with a flat plate placed in the near field of a single-stream subsonic jet. The flat plate is modular and the solid surface near the ...
In this paper, the performance of four acoustic imaging methods: conventional frequency domain beamforming (CFDBF), functional beamforming (FUNBF), enhanced high resolution CLEAN–SC (EHR–CLEAN–SC) and generalized inverse beamforming (GIBF), is investigated in terms of accuracy an ...

3D Generalized Inverse Beamforming in wind tunnel aeroacoustic testing

Application to a Counter Rotating Open Rotor aircraft model

Inverse methods are gaining relevance in the aeroacoustic community for their capability to accurately localize and quantify noise sources. Indeed, since modern aircraft are more targeted to the reduction of fuel consumption, and very often some design choices, like Open Rotor (O ...
A possible strategy for the reduction of the aeroacoustic noise generated by turbulence interacting with a wing profile, also referred to as leading-edge noise, is represented by the implementation of a porous medium in the structure of the airfoil. However, the physical mechanis ...
An automotive cooling module working at three different operating conditions is investigated using a microphone array method. Experiments on an open rotor and on a full module configurations were conducted in the ALCOVES anechoic chamber of the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dyna ...
The fulfilment of the ACARE 2050 objectives in terms of an improved mobility while protecting the environment will not be achieved without the introduction of radically new ideas. The electrification of aircraft propulsion systems is one of such disruptive concepts that is gradua ...
The analysis of porous materials for aeroacoustic noise mitigation requires high-fidelity numerical tools to simulate the sound propagation and interaction in porous media. The manuscript presents the calibration and validation of a direct-hybrid LES/CAA method used to model the ...