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21 records found

With the ever-increasing issues caused by global warming, the emission of carbon dioxide has to be minimized. With the transport section being responsible for 24% of global emissions, the demand for electric alternatives is on the rise.
The electrification of passenger vehic ...

Turbulent boundary layer trailing edge noise is becoming an increasingly important problem in wind turbine applications. The wind turbine rotor diameter is expected to keep growing bigger in the future and trailing edge noise is known to scale with the relati ...

The final report focused on the detailed design of the final chosen concept, which is a BWB aircraft with a distributed propulsion system powered by liquid hydrogen. Before doing the actual technical design part, a market analysis is made to investigate the future demand for this ...
With new rovers landing on Mars, like the Perseverance rover in 2020, the interest in Mars has grown recent years. The atmospheric conditions on Mars result in challenging conditions due to its low density atmosphere and extremely low temperatures. With a density on Mars that is ...
The Advisory Council of Aviation Research has set the future goals of sustainable development in aviation by reducing pollutant emissions of CO2 by 75% and 90% in NOx emissions per passenger kilometre and noise emission by 65% of the perceived noise level compared with the measur ...
In this thesis, the resistance of a single degree of freedom liner is investigated experimentally. Semi-empirical resistance modelling fails at higher Mach numbers (M0>0.3) and sound pressure levels (SPL>130dB), and experimental work is missing in these condition ...

This work presents an experimental and analytical investigation of the distortion of grid generated turbulence and its relation to the aeroacoustics of a low Reynolds number propeller. The propeller has a chord based Reynolds number of 104≤ Re ...

Advancements in technology have made commercial unmanned aerial vehicles reliable and readily available, leading to an exponential rise in their market demand over the past few years. COVID-19 has further accelerated this growth through an increase in demand ...

Permeable trailing edges are experimentally investigated in this thesis as a mean tomitigate aeroacoustic noise. The first part of the study is devoted to deciphering themechanisms of noise generation involved in these devices. To this aim, trailing-edge inserts are manufactured ...

Urbanergy WindVine

Wind energy system integrated between high-rise buildings

The demand for renewable energy has increased significantly over the past years. During the last decades it became clear that the main source of renewable energy will be wind energy. The wind turbines, still growing in size every year, are almost all located in either remote rura ...
Over the past decades, numerous methods have been used to study acoustic liners through their impedance, of which numerical methods are of particular interest. Despite their advantages, numerical methods are bounded by certain drawbacks. One such drawback stems from the need to a ...
Noise is a major issue in Urban Air Mobility vehicles, especially due to its operation in the urban environment. One of the major sources of noise is the rotor, and thus, there is a need to optimize the rotor design for aerodynamics and aeroacoustics. A possible technological sol ...
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWTs) are a very popular source of renewable energy, but these machines are often subject to off-design conditions owing to the unsteady nature of wind. Unsteady aerodynamic conditions have been associated with cyclic loading of turbine blades, whi ...
The addition of porous material to the trailing edge of airfoils was studied numerically and experimentally. The purpose of this work is to inspect whether the penalization method can be successfully used to describe flows through porous media. In the numerical study, the penaliz ...

Aeroacoustic Phenomenon in centrifugal compressors

A Lattice Boltzmann Method based approach

Flow unsteadiness caused by impeller rotation, vortex-shedding, secondary flows etc. can lead to the generation of acoustic waves within the turbomachinery cascade. This causes pressure loading on the impeller. When acoustic resonance occurs, i.e. the frequency of acoustic wave e ...
The increase of energy consumption as well as the need to reduce green-house emissions trigger the shift from a fossil-fuel based society towards a sustainable society. With a constant increase in the installed power capacity, wind plays a key role in the global energy framework. ...


DSE 2018: A Silent Delivery Drone

Major delivery companies such as DHL, UPS or Amazon have been developing small drones to deliver packages. This alternative to truck delivery is expected to start operating in the near future. The advantages of it are its speed, price, safety and sustainability: parcels would not ...

Clip-on Wings

Final Design report CHESTA

Multiple concepts for hybrid vehicles capable of both road and flight transport are becoming a reality. However, through incorporation of both flight and road hardware into one vehicle these designs become inefficient. The aim of this project is to design an alternative strategy ...

Swirl Recovery Vanes for Propeller Propulsion Systems

An Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Investigation by Lattice Boltzmann Method

An unexploited rotational momentum, i.e. swirl, is present in the slipstream of propellers. Stationary vanes, called swirl recovery vanes (SRVs), have been proven to be effective in increasing the propulsive efficiency of propellers. There is however no conclusive answer in liter ...
Hypersonic boundary layer transition plays a significant role in the design of hypersonic vehicles as a turbulent boundary layer has higher heat transfer compared to a laminar boundary layer. Transition is a complex phenomenon and various parameters decide how a boundary layer un ...