121 records found


The preliminary fluid dynamic design of turbomachinery operating with non-standard working fluids and unusual operating conditions and specifications can be very challenging because of the lack of know-how and guidelines. Examples are the design of turbomachinery for small-cap ...

There is an increasing demand on small satellites to provide greater mission flexibility and capability while reducing their associated launch costs. Solar thermal propulsion (STP) is an attractive candidate to meet this requirement. STP provides specific impulses between 200 and ...
This preliminary study considers a combined cycle configu­ration for aeroengines, whereby thermal energy from the exhaust of the gas turbine is partly recovered in order to obtain additional mechanical power. The waste heat recovery system is based on a closed thermodynamic botto ...
The article presents a uew procedure to calculate the wall temperature of film-cooled turbine blades. The metlwdology utilises semi-empirical relations for film cooling effectiveness developed for a fiat plate. The correlations are corrected a-posteriori with parameters (Mach num ...

High temperature Organic Rankine Cycles power systems of low power capacity, i.e. 3-50 kWe, are receiving recognition for distributed and mobile energy generation applications. For this type of power plants, it is customary to adopt a radial-turbine as prime mover, ...

Mini ORC power systems with the capability to deliver 3-50 kWe are receiving increased recognition for applications such as heat recovery from automotive engines, or distributed power generation from geothermal reservoirs and solar irradiation. Efficient and reliable expanders ...

Currently, turbomachinery design optimization methodologies are mainly restricted to steady state approaches, due to the high computational cost associated with time-accurate shape optimization algorithms. However, the possibility to include unsteady effects in turbomachinery ...

The fluid dynamic preliminary design of unconventional turbomachinery is customary done with meanline design procedures coupled with gradient-free optimizers. This method features various drawbacks, since it might become computationally expensive, and it does not provide design i ...

Preliminary design of the orchid

A facility for studying non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics and testing orc expanders

Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power systems are receiving increased recognition for the conversion of thermal energy when the source potential and/or its temperature are comparatively low. Mini-ORC units in the power output range of 350 kWe are actively studied for applications ...

This work proposes and assesses two numerical models for solving high-speed condensing flows in metastable conditions. Each model involves a set of governing equations (mass, momentum, and energy) for the mixture or the continuum phase, i.e. the vapor, and two additional transpor ...


The Oil and Gas industry has been using cutting edge technologies to increase the production for decades. For the exact same purpose Shell is planning to deploy two multiphase pumps into the Draugen field, located in the Norwegian Sea. A multiphase pump can increase the pressure ...

Shrink Sleeve Labeling

Fundamental understanding of heat transfer due to the ow field

In this thesis the goal is to grow the fundamental understanding of the Shrink Sleeve Labeling process, speciffically on the steam tunnel equipment. The research is focused on the heat transfer phenomena of the ow on to the bottle. From literature was found that the problem could ...