M.B. Zaayer

90 records found

Traditionally, wind turbine and wind farm designs have been optimized to minimize the cost of energy. Such a design would make sense when bidding in price-based auctions. However, in a future with a high share of renewables and zero subsidies, the wind farm developer is exposed t ...
Large-scale exploitation of offshore wind energy is deemed essential to provide its expected share to electricity needs of the future. To achieve the same, turbine and farm-level optimizations play a significant role. Over the past few years, the growth in the size of turbines ha ...
For scenarios of high penetration of renewable energy, it becomes increasingly relevant to improve the dispatchability of supply for wind and solar power plants. Baseload power plants, required to produce a minimum power production at all times, are discussed in this context. The ...
This report describes the first version of the regular and irregular IEA-Wind 740-10MW Reference Offshore Wind Plants (v0.1). The two plants have been developed within the second work package of IEA Wind Task 37 on Wind Energy Systems Engineering: Integrated RD&D. The plants ...

Offshore wind farm optimisation

A comparison of performance between regular and irregular wind turbine layouts

Layout optimisation is essential for improving the overall performance of offshore wind farms. During the past 15 years, the use of yield optimisation algorithms has resulted in a transition from regular to more irregular farm layouts. However, since the layout affects many facto ...
This is not yet another study into better modelling or optimiser selection for OWFLO. Instead, this study aims to provide insight into what performance can be expected from offshore wind farm layout optimisation(OWFLO) and to know when further optimising is not justifiable anymor ...
To limit the consequences of climate change, generation from renewables coupled with large scale electrification is necessary. However, the deployment of renewables has its own challenges and not all sectors can be electrified. Hydrogen production from wind energy emerges as a pr ...
In this research, we explored the potential to reduce the cost of floating wind farms by adopting an integrated approach to optimally size semi-submersible substructures accounting for materials, fabrication and installation-logistics-related costs. A trade-off between manufactur ...
Onshore wind potentials are commonly mapped with site selection criteria that either fully include or exclude land for wind farms. However, current research rarely addresses the variability of these criteria, possibly resulting in overly conservative or optimistic potentials. Thi ...
Traditionally, wind turbine and wind farm designs have been optimized to minimize the cost of energy. Such a design would make sense when bidding in price-based auctions. However, in a future with a high share of renewables and zero subsidies, the wind farm developer could be com ...
This paper presents a heuristic building block for wind farm layout optimization algorithms. For each pair of wake-interacting turbines, a vector is defined. Its magnitude is proportional to the wind speed deficit of the waked turbine due to the waking turbine. Its direction is c ...
The potential technical benefits of wind-storage hybrids, mainly arbitrage, imbalance reduction, and frequency support, are convincing enough to launch demonstration projects. However, a quantitative analysis of these benefits, including economic considerations, is lacking. The a ...
We present an analysis of three datasets of 10min metocean measurement statistics and our resulting recommendations to both producers and users of such datasets. Many of our recommendations are more generally of interest to all numerical measurement data producers. The datasets a ...
The construction and management of a wind farm involve many disciplines. It is hard for a single designer or developer to keep an overview of all the relevant concepts, models, and tools. Nevertheless, this is needed when performing integrated modeling or analysis. To help resear ...

Wind turbine control

Open-source software for control education, standardization and compilation

Standardized, easy to use, and preferably open-source research software is an important aspect in supporting and solidifying the wind turbine community. To this end, three contributions in the form of open-source software projects are presented in this paper. First, a community-d ...
Motivated by the need to develop reference wind energy systems for optimisation and technology assessment studies, the International Energy Agency Wind Task 37 on Wind Energy Systems Engineering is developing a reference offshore wind power plant at the Dutch offshore wind energy ...
Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimisation (MDAO) workflows consist of coupled tools driven by an algorithm for a specific purpose, e.g. optimisation. MDAO users may have at their disposal a set of tools of varying levels of fidelity. As a result, many permutations or MDA ...
With the increase of installed wind power capacity, the contribution of wind power curtailment to power balancing becomes more relevant. Determining the available power during curtailment at the wind farm level is not trivial, as curtailment changes the wake effects in a wind far ...
This presentation will provide an overview of progress to date in the development of a system modeling framework and ontology for wind turbines and plants as part of the larger IEA Wind Task 37 on wind energy systems engineering. The goals of the effort are to create a set of gui ...


A graph database for the offshore wind farm domain

The construction and management of an offshore wind farm involves many disciplines, e.g. meteorology and economics. It is hard for a single researcher to keep an overview of all the relevant concepts, models, and tools from these disciplines. Nevertheless, this is needed when per ...