22 records found

Surface roughness elements are often used to force laminar to turbulent transition in aerodynamic and aeroacoustic wind-tunnel experiments. The statistical features and spectral content of the pressure fluctuations in the resulting turbulent boundary layer at the trailing edge ca ...

Effect of Vortex Generators on NREL Wind Turbine

Aerodynamic Performance and Far-Field Noise

Passive flow separation control with vortex generators (VG) is actively used over the wind turbine blade. In this paper, the effect of vortex generators is simulated on a full-scale 2-blade wind-turbine tested at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The simulation is perform ...
Aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the turbulent flow developing over a fuselage on fan noise for BLI embedded propulsion systems. Such configurations can suffer from inlet flow distortions and ingestion of turbulence at the fan plane with consequent impact on bot ...
The characteristics of turbulent boundary layer over streamwise aligned drag reducing riblet surface under zero-pressure gradient are investigated using particle image velocimetry. The formation and distribution of large-scale coherent structures and their effect on momentum part ...
The effects of a finite, spanwise-periodic array of cylindrical roughness elements on boundary layer transition over a NACA 0012 airfoil are investigated at a chord-based Reynolds number of 1.44×105 by using hotwire anemometry and infrared thermography. Both the number ...
Surface roughness elements are often used to force laminar to turbulent transition during aerodynamic and aeroacoustic experiments in wind tunnels. The statistical features and frequency content of the forced turbulent boundary layer can influence the far-field trailing edge nois ...
Micro-ramps are deployed to prevent boundary layer separation by creating a momentum excess close to the wall. Through Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of the base, instantaneous and mean flow, we identify that the perturbation dynamics in the wake of the microramp play an esse ...
Aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the turbulent flow developing over a fuselage on fan noise for Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI) embedded propulsion systems. Such engine configurations can suffer from inlet flow distortions and ingestion of turbulence at the fan p ...
Micro-ramps are popular passive flow control devices which can delay flow separation by re-energising the lower portion of the boundary layer. We compute the laminar base flow, the instantaneous transitional flow, and the mean flow around a micro-ramp immersed in a quasi-incompre ...
The variation of transitional flow features past a micro-ramp is investigated when the Reynolds number is decreased approaching the critical regime. Experiments are conducted in the incompressible flow spanning from supercritical to subcritical roughness-height-based Reynolds num ...
We computed the base, instantaneous and mean flow around a micro-ramp immersed in an incompressible boundary layer. Results of our Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) are compared with an independent stability analysis and experiments. We analyse flow structures and mechanisms tha ...
Boundary layer transition is a relevant phenomenon in many aerodynamic and aero-thermodynamic problems and has been extensively investigated from the past century till recent times. Among the factors affecting the transition process, surface roughness plays a key role. When a rou ...
The transitional flow features over and downstream of isolated roughness elements in hypersonic flow are investigated by means of infrared thermography. The local heat flux distribution in the wake of the roughness element reveals the footprint of multiple streamwise counter-rota ...
The transitional flow features past a micro-ramp are investigated in the incompressible flow regime at critical and supercritical roughness-height based Reynolds number (Reh). Tomographic PIV is adopted as the diagnostic technique to identify the instantaneous three-dimensional f ...
Hairpin shaped Kelvin-Helmholtz waves are observed in tomographic PIV experiments on a micro-ramp wake. In this study, these waves are reproduced by applying BiGlobal stability theory to base flows conceived with the measurement data. The stability results converge with the numbe ...
Boundary layer transition over isolated roughness elements is investigated in the incompressible flow regime using tomographic PIV. Four different geometries (cylinder, square, hemisphere and micro-ramp) are considered maintaining constant height and span of the element. The main ...