Wouter van der Velden
4 records found
The goal of this paper is to perform a detailed analysis of the hydrodynamic near field and acoustic far field of a NACA 64-618 airfoil with and without serrations. The impact of serrations is investigated across different airfoil angles of attack and serration flap angles. The n
Effect of Vortex Generators on NREL Wind Turbine
Aerodynamic Performance and Far-Field Noise
Passive flow separation control with vortex generators (VG) is actively used over the wind turbine blade. In this paper, the effect of vortex generators is simulated on a full-scale 2-blade wind-turbine tested at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The simulation is perform
A hybrid lattice Boltzmann method–very-large-eddy simulation (LBM-VLES) solver for high-speed nonisothermal subsonic flows is used to simulate the unsteady jet flow exhausting from a single axi-symmetric nozzle, as well as the associated noise spectra and directivity. The jet exi
An investigation of the effects of free-stream on jet-installation noise is performed using a numerical solver based on the lattice-Boltzmann method. In order to simulate a realistic configuration, a high-lift wing comprised by a main element and a deployed flap (MD30P30N) is pla