
M.J. van Dorst

26 records found

Enhancing urban heat grid development through improved communication

Exploring communication strategies for better technology adoption among tenants in social housing

The international agreed upon UN COP21 Paris Agreement argues the urgent need of a shift in greenhouse gas emissions. This has been one of the reasons for the Dutch government to establish goals that comply with these agreements. One approach that is being used is the implementat ...

Ontwerpen voor sociale cohesie

Anonieme ruimte beïnvloed gezondheid op een negatieve manier

This research focuses on the relationship between anonymous spaces and a lack of social cohesion. The hypothesis for this study is "By making architectural/spatial interventions that allow for privacy zones, more social cohesion is created." To investigate this hypothesis, the fo ...

Revival of memory

Redesign of Chang'an Ci'en Yuan cemetery

Life and death are important issues that everyone experiences in the lifetime. Life is usually a symbol of hope and happiness, while death is a of loss and separation, which is relatively heavy. As a place where most people store their sorrow and memories of death, public cemeter ...

After - Work

Planning Care Beyond Socio-Spatial Binaries

The thesis critically examines existing dichotomies in the spatial and tem- poral aspects of (elder)care provision ranging from concepts of private and public space, over the family, the welfare state, and the private market as central units of care. Moreover, it actively questio ...

Left Alone

Spatial and programmatic interventions countering urban loneliness in Linkeroever

People are feeling more and more lonely, especially in cities. This has negative effects on mental and physical well-being as well as on the economy. Feeling lonely is not just caused by internal factors like genetics and social skills, as many people think. The environment we li ...


The fusion and collision between memory and its physical expression

"As Countless Unconspicuous Elements Build an Urban Landscape, City Memories and Personal Memories Are Spontaneously Formed and Influenced."
The research investigates the potential for benches, a ubiquitous element of urban landscapes, to be reimagined as living memorials, th ...

Retrofitting Rotterdam

Sparking incentive for retrofitting intensive-use rooftops in Rotterdam

Cities worldwide are grappling with spatial constraints, particularly in rapidly growing urban areas. Rotterdam, as an aspiring sustainable city, faces similar challenges in balancing sustainability goals with limited space. This predicament extends to the underutilized rooftop s ...

Dare to switch off

The transformative Urban Energy Landscape of Oud-Crooswijk

exploitative energy production to meet the demand (Our World in Data, 2021). The current energy system causes climate change, pollution, and pressure on space (Our World in Data, 2021) (Withagen, 1994) (KNMI, 2020)(NOS, 2017). The energy transition begins to take shape, companies ...
The deaf and hard-of-hearing live in world that, from an architectural standpoint, is designed for hearing people. Which causes a set of challenges for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.These problems have major effects at schools for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. These schools are ma ...

Toward an inclusive future

Revise the public spaces in Taichung old city center to promote active ageing

In 2018, Taiwan has become the “aged society” as National Union defined with 14% of total population are project to be the elderly. By 2050, there will even become twice amount of it, with more than one-third of the total population are consist of the elderly. The ageing of socie ...

Een stad vol verhalen

Een onderzoek naar het programma voor een nieuw gefragmenteerd museum in stadsdeel Feijenoord aan de hand van verhalen van bewoners

Het Museum van Rotterdam moest eind vorig jaar zijn deuren sluiten, omdat het te weinig bezoekers trok en het gebouw niet meer voldeed aan zijn functie. De Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur stelde daarom een alternatief voor; een Nieuwe stadsmuseale functie (NSF) die wellicht niet in éé ...

The Nature-Inclusive Redesign

The possibilities of nature-inclusive redesign in Dutch urban monumental buildings

In the last century, biodiversity has come under increasing pressure, and this is also the case in the urban context. The preservation of biodiversity is an important issue. Research shows that part of this biodiversity is largely dependent on the buildings and vegetation in the ...

Capturing Wishes

Translating personal housing requirements into affordable housing for young adolescents in Rotterdam Zuid

In this paper, design principles for a co-housing project focused at young adults (18-27 years old) wishing to live in the Tarwewijk in Rotterdam Zuid are being proposed. These principles are based on literary research, reference projects, fieldwork and workshops held for student ...

Rethink Waste

Een onderzoek naar de fysieke en sociale verbeter mogelijkheden voor het grondstoffenstation van de Afrikaanderwijk

The Afrikaanderwijk is one of the ‘disadvantaged’ neighborhoods in Rotterdam South. 9,3 percent of the inhabitants of the Afrikaanderwijk is without work. The Afrikaander Coorparation started projects to create new jobs. Partly through the "Right to Challenge" initiative, it has ...

Living on the Edges of a Border City

Planning strategies for the spontaneous city. The Case of Cucuta and El Rodeo

Cucuta is a border city between Colombia and Venezuela with complex dynamics due to its location and historical background, affected by drug trafficking, guerrilla warfare, and Venezuela's most recent multidimensional crisis. The city's structural plan (POT) is under review, tryi ...

Commercial Fulfillment Center

Renovation of Passage de Molenpoort in Nijmegen

Bricolage is a way of thinking, researching and designing. From the perspective of architect, we build our realm using the existing constructing logic and limited materials, to make something new from the old, which seems to be a low-key but efficient way for renovation of Passag ...

Flush and Splash

Regenerative Capacity for Semarang Urban Water Management

The Flush and Splash project proposes to reconnect the cultural and the natural heritage of the city through the Semarang river watershed. It begins with acknowledging how the Semarang river have been facing continuous landscape degradation despite it being a backbone of the city ...

Space for the Brain / Ruimte voor het Brein

Ground for focus and creativity for every brain

We can all relate to the experience of wanting to shut of all the environmental stimuli around us, as our brain is overwhelmed and overstimulated by it all. Our surrounding environments can be improved if architects and designers learn more about how multi-sensory stimuli can enr ...

Integrated Nodal Estate Landscape

Reconnecting Baakse Beek Brook Eco-system & Recreation through Estate Landscape Development

Estate landscapes are vulnerable to climate change. Especially regarding water management, these landscapes face severe challenges regarding shortage and abundance of water, which affects the gardens, ecosystem, forestry and agriculture of these estates. Also, many estates are st ...

Mind the Gap

Het ontwerpen van betaalbare en duurzame woningen voor de gedupeerde van het gat in de woning markt in de naoorlogse wijk Zuidwijk.

A research on how to design affordable and sustainable housing for those affected by the gap in the housing market. It is getting more and more difficult for certain people to find suitable and affordable housing. They earn too much for social housing, but too little for the priv ...