M.J. van Dorst
51 records found
a playce like home
A play-focused approach to designing a nostopia
Since the start of the Syrian conflict in 2011, people cross the Mediterranean Sea everyday, seeking safety and shelter. Arrival countries like Greece have difficulty to provide all displaced people in their basic needs. One of the most vulnerable among this group are the childre
Architecture for Community / Delta Habitat back to balance
A cohousing pattern language
This graduation comes from a deep interest in understanding why some buildings foster vibrant communities, while others do not. Now that interest in cohousing is rapidly growing, both from grassroots movements and top-down initiatives, grasping the factors that explain why some c
Advancing the traditional Dutch marketplace
Ensuring acces to food
This thesis explores the ways in which marketplaces and urban agriculture, can impact access to healthy, affordable food in Bospolder-Tussendijken, a neighbourhood in Rotterdam. With the rise of prosperity-related diseases attributed to poor nutrition, particularly in low socio-e
This research addresses the rising amount of homelessness in Rotterdam. Homelessness should be prevented in an early stage to avoid long term health issues. Home-seeking youth fall between the cracks of the system since there is a lack of social support for those between 18-23 ye
The Crucial Role of Public Spaces in Exchange and Interaction
Pendrecht is characterized by a great richness in cultural diversity and local initiatives, but these different worlds are spatially separated from one another and invisible for the passerby. They are not articulated in the public domain but instead remain confined to private dom
Making a[nd] living
Crafting resilient neighbourhoods through urban manufacturing
This study addresses the imperative of enhancing social resilience in urban environments, with a focus on Rotterdam. The city faces diverse challenges, including environmental risks that impact social cohesion. In response, the municipality has formulated a ‘Resilient Rotterdam S
A shift towards Collectivity
Using a collective approach in urban design to contribute to sustainable development from spatial, environmental and social perspectives in Bospolder-Tussendijken
Individualism, the trend of prioritising individual interests over group interests, has significant implications for our urban environment, including spatial, environmental, and social unsustainable development. A shift towards collectivism represents a move towards sustainable d
Everyone's safety
Enhancing Perceived Safety through Urban Design in Oud Mathenesse
This research explores the impact of urban design on perceived safety in Oud Mathenesse, a hyper-diverse and vulnerable urban area in the Netherlands. Utilizing a human-centred and interdisciplinary approach, the study aims to provide insights and recommendations for urban planne
Cities for Families of Tomorrow
Children’s independent mobility in Lombardijen – A place to play, learn and grow
Cities for Families of Tomorrow aims to create a family-friendly neighbourhood in Lombardijen by addressing parents’ concerns about social and traffic safety, thereby enhancing children's independent mobility, crucial for a healthy lifestyle. The study focuses on establishing a c
Working Women
Advancing towards gender equal citites
This thesis explores the effects of patriarchy in the built environment and investigates solutions to gender inequality in the city. Although gender inequality has been fought against throughout the last century, women and men still do not enjoy equal social positions. One of the
An urban planning and design tool to improve neighbourhood reputations
This report will try to find answers to the complex question of how neighbourhood reputations can be improved. A negative neighbourhood reputation can harm residents’ health, well-being and opportunities. It can also be a catalyst for decay. Changing a reputation is complex, and
Shaping Spaces Where Children Bloom
An architectural approach for the design of elementary schools to flourish the healthy development of children
A Mother's Plan
Housing with collectivised household labour for in(ter)dependent mothers
Independent (i.e. single) mothers are stuck in a trifold of problems regarding housing, resources and labour after divorce, separation or unwedded childbirth. The lack of adequate permanent one-parent family housing puts them in a vicious circle of structural disadvantage. The in
Enhancing context specificity of Water-Sensitive Urban Design
An urban design perspective on Indian secondary cities
Impacts of the climate crisis and urbanisation hit urban environments around the world. Cities taking the lead in mitigating or adapting to the impacts, inspire or actively encourage other contexts to adopt their approach. Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is an urban water man
Developing gender inclusive neighbourhoods in Rotterdam-Zuid
In recent decades, gender inequality has been discussed increasingly in different fields of society. Since long ago, aspects like power dynamics in traditional households, or studies on the human anatomy, have influenced men and women’s place in society. This gender inequality ha
Moluccan Territories
Rethinking the Cultural Heritage of Moluccan Neighbourhoods in the Netherlands
This research and design project explores the use of the Pattern Language method to transform Moluccan neighbourhoods in the Netherlands into inclusive areas while enhancing their cultural heritage. The study focuses on the Moluccan neighbourhood in Barneveld for renovation and t
The circular business case
Exploring the role of the business case in creating financially feasible and circular biobased housing developments
The construction industry has a significant environmental impact, consumes a large amount of scarce resources, generates a lot of waste, and causes a lot of emissions such as CO2 which contribute to global warming and are all reasons of great concern. A significant portion of the
Restorative ruins
How can the brownfield-urban forest bring forward restorative qualities for human nature?
Brownfields can bring forward unique spatial qualities in the urban environment: spatial exceptionality, re-usable infrastructures & imperfection that could bring forward the experience of being in a whole other world, while being in the middle of a city. However, these sites
Permanent Space // Changeable Use
Adaptability without future architectural interventions
Redesigning from the permanent, in which the people using the building need to be more adaptable instead of designing a flexible building was the starting point for this graduation project. Therefore the following research question has been formulated: How could the space plan of
Public Space is Child's Play
An exploration of the mother- and child-friendly city
Density in a city puts a lot of pressure on the public space. As a result, public spaces are designed according to standard design rules, leaving the wishes of certain groups overlooked. This project aims to pay attention to a group of people who, while not involved in the des