F. Rizzetto

20 records found


Reloading Landscapes

Democratic and Autotrophic Landscape of Taranto

Cities are like “heterotrophic organisms” because they are dependent on inflows of air, water, food, matter, and energy. Unlike nature, they pollute their own habitat through the production of waste outflows and emissions, extending beyond their own footprint. Data on the ecol ...

Het Beleidsplan Ruimte Vlaanderen (BRV) richt zich op het bijkomend ruimtebeslag stelselmatig terugdringen door het ruimtelijk rendement te verhogen of wel te verdichten. Dit kan met behulp van klassieke verdichtingsstrategieën zoals hoogbouw of multifunctioneel grondgebruik, maa ...

Subsurface Equilibrium

Transformation towards synergy in construction of urban systems

By jointly approaching the challenges we face – such as ongoing urbanization, climate change, energy transition and the introduction of new mobility such as automated and electric vehicles – urban areas can be made more resilient. The subsurface of the city can play a central rol ...


CO2 by mobility = 0

Network approach for reducing CO2-emissions in peri-urban areas in the Rhine – Delta region by 2050

The emission of CO2 is a significant contributor to global warming, with the mobility sector being a major source. The EU has set a goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, requiring substantial CO2 reduction efforts, particularly in densely populated regions like the Rhine-De ...


Towards a Sustainable Post-Fossil Scape

Since the Industrial Revolution, fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas have provided the vast majority of energy used by our globalising civilisation. The rapid growth in energy use in the past 250 years has led to increasing fossil fuel usage, which has been the prima ...

Hungry for change

Research on a systemic way to tackle the nitrogen crisis

The Nitrogen Crisis has become a focal point for the global community, with the related European policy stirring uncertainty in the agricultural sector. This political unrest has been clearly manifested in the Netherlands, while natural areas remain exposed to high emission level ...


A research on how the heavy metal soil pollution in the IJmond region caused by the steel industry can be remediated and its social impact can be mediated

This research addresses the heavy metal soil pollution of the IJmond region caused by the presence of the industry for over a hundred years. Currently, Tata Steel’s steel industry is transitioning towards Green Steel production, which will decrease air pollution significantly; th ...

Clean Corridors

A Data-Driven Design for Multi-Scale Green Infrastructure Design

Global trends in urbanization, industrialization, and intensive agriculture are harming our (local) environment. These activities require significant mounts of resources, energy, and transportation, whilst creating increased waste streams. Poor management of these sites has led ...

Living Waters

Water Heritage as a transformative approach to a reintegrated dynamic water-sensitive reality in the southeastern Emilia-Romagna region

This project investigates the challenge of water in the Anthropocene. Due to the accelerating human-induced climate crisis and human actions such as damming, over-extraction, and irrigation practices, the hydrological cycle has been altered, causing an increase in the intensity a ...

From ''Stone City'' to ''Hidden Water Region''

Visualize and value the invisible water flows in Matera

This thesis explores the traditional water system of Sassi di Matera and finds out that water plays an important role as a sustainable resource, the social center, and the chance for green space. In addition, by exploring the overall history and culture of Matera, different symbo ...
The thesis starts with the launch of two national projects in the source of yellow river, which is on top of Tibet Plateau, the most fragile and delicate ecosystem on the earth, is endangering the region. The sky river project, an external imposition that aims to turn the region ...

Future Relics

About Doel's de-polderisation and eventual destruction in the Post-Anthropocene era

Within the main geographical contexts of the North Sea and the Scheldt estuary, the Doelpolder area stands out for the conflictual relationships between human settlements, environmental crisis, and man-made infrastructures, which are all paradigms of the so-called Anthropocene er ...


How a cognitive and experiential understanding of the place can create new meanings for a more conscious design action

The project I propose is not the child of its time, it rejects the lexicon of current affairs (climate change, pollution, exploitation of resources) as well as that of social issues. It does not want to solve the problem of the site in which it operates, but it embraces a horizon ...

The Naked Island

Unveiling the Dichotomy of Productive and Romantic Territories

Land and Sea are of a very different kind. One roots people to their contexts, tying them to its borders, properties and complex systems of relations; the other suggests the possibility for limit-less, unconditional wandering, an overwhelming experience of movement, in both space ...


The Theatre of Automation in the post-labour society of Hammerfest

While technological development and the rising Second Machine Age are already firmly affecting the notion of labour and the consequent disposition of our cities and territories, the remote island of Hammerfest, in the Arctic regions of Finnmark, prefigures the conditions for a ra ...

The Embassy of Waste

Towards the well governance and self sufficiency in the Arctic Region

In the current geopolitical climate, where Arctic nations are at the brink of conflict in their pursuit for influence and resources, mining has acquired a political character, establishing a delicate equilibrium between resource claims and the protection of the territory. This e ...
Globalisation and global urbanisation are reshaping our world. Life in Central Places is expanding; life in remote territories is vanishing. For centuries, subsistence agriculture sustained rural communities the world over; that raison d’être has now largely vanished. Cities mine ...

Equilibrating dualities

The coalescence of man, machine and territory

Infrastructure, industry and extraction have greatly reshaped the North Sea over the last five decades. These specific elements played and still play a vital role in the growth and evolution of the North Sea and its adjacent countries. Among all the fishing and oil industry have ...

Adapt me for tomorrow

Towards urban resilience and rainwater adaptationin The Hague by 2050 through public space design

The phenomena of climate change interacts with the complexity of urban system, which reflect sptially on the process of urbanization. One of the effects of climate change is an increased flooding hazards, and when floods occur this has a severe impact on human lives and comes wit ...

Don't waste the river!

Limuthi Re-Cycle Valley

These are challenges we have worked on with a multidisciplinary team of students from the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands and several universities in Albania. Eventually, a development strategy was made for three locations in and around the capital Tirana. This r ...