M.J. van Dorst
137 records found
Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) proposes integrating the management of urban water cycles into urban planning and design as a strategy to better respond to water challenges in the urban environment. Proposed frameworks try capturing urban water sensitivity in terms of generic
Circular Commons
Exploring Innate Spatial Tactics as Pathways toward a Circular Built Environment
The built environment significantly contributes to current socioenvironmental crises, necessitating systemic change. Circularity and the commons are re-emerging as potential pathways for such transition. A circular built environment (CBE) aims to close resource loops, but its imp
Visitors’ perceptions of urban wilderness
A case study of Jiangyangfan Ecological Park in Hangzhou, China
Numerous studies show the benefits of wilderness to humans and the environment. Therefore, preserving and developing wilderness areas within urban settings are crucial to combat and mitigate challenges like biodiversity decline resulting from urbanization. According to previous s
The Uses of Utopia
Four Perspectives on the Paradise of Today
In the format of a round-table discussion, we bring together voices from different department, sections and roles within TU Delft to explore questions arising from the current issue of the magazine.
Unlike the elusive concept of atopia or the grim reality of dystopia, utopia is
Towards vital neighbourhoods
Translation of insights from Rotterdam into design-led patterns
The provision of vitality in neighbourhoods has become a prominent issue on the urban agenda, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to its profound impact on the well-being of urban residents. While the foundational principles of vitality are well covered in
Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) identifies water sensitivity as a goal for cities to strive for and develop towards. Certain cities may face rapidly changing socioeconomic and urban dynamics, or lack of data and documentation, greater than those in which WSUD has been concept
In rapidly growing urban contexts, water plays a pivotal role in the transitions the urban environment goes through to sustain the quality of life of its population. Spatial planning and design are essential for the facilitation and manifestation of such transitions. Focusing on
Interviewen is een veelvoorkomende wetenschappelijke methode on informatie te
verzamelen. Belangrijk is dat het interview inhoudelijk goed aansluit bij jouw
ontwerpopgave of onderzoek. Daarnaast helpt het enorm om te werken met een
systematische aanpak bij het vastleggen, ordenen
Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) offers an approach for alternative spatial organisation of cities and infrastructures fit to address urban and climatic challenges. However, its relevance in all contexts is questioned and transferability concerns arise when mainstreamed. Inste
While the wilderness conservation movement continues to grow on an international scale, a wilderness conservation system is steadily being established in China. However, as urbanization continues to accelerate, the exploitation of natural wilderness spaces in cities is inevitable
Observeren is een van de meest basale methode van onderzoek; in de sociale wetenschappen, maar zeker ook binnen de ingenieurswetenschappen (techniek en ontwerp). Maar hoe doe je dat eigenlijk? Het eenvoudige antwoord; dit gaat vanzelf. Wij zijn de hele dag door aan het waarnemen
De TU-campus is in de loop der tijd letterlijk en figuurlijk verschoven van universiteit in de stad, naar een ‘enigszins zelfstandige sector’ (Van de Broek, 1971) en vervolgens naar een letterlijk klassiek campusmodel (gebouwen in het veld) ten zuiden van de Kruithuisweg (fig. 1)
De visie gemeenschappelijke voorzieningen is tussen oktober 2020 en maart 2021 ontwikkeld in opdracht van de stuurgroep Gemeenschappelijke Voorzieningen van de TU Delft. De opdracht was de volgende: ‘het ontwikkelen van een langetermijnvisie waarmee beslissingen over de gemeensch
Making the design process in design education explicit
Two exploratory case studies
The aim of design education is that students learn to think and act like designers. However, the focus in the design studio is mainly on the design product, whereas the ‘why and how’ of the design process are barely addressed. A risk of learning by performing real-life tasks with
Perception of privacy in a university building
The transparency paradox
Informal face-to-face communication and chance encounters encourage knowledge sharing. This Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) examines how well a new building of a Dutch University Institute (DI) supported interaction and perceived privacy among faculty members. The study is design
The aim of this commentary is to present the position that a pattern language approach facilitates, even catalyzes (comparative) learning in planning for young professionals. This position builds on literature and is supported by the research work of six MSc Urbanism graduation p
Previous research has shown that the urban environment could influence people's behavior and wellbeing. However, little is still known about how the objective and subjective measures of the momentary experience of urban public spaces could contribute to the satisfaction with the
The purpose of the architectural design studio is that students learn to think and act like designers. However, communication between teachers and students seems to be problem- atic. Teachers barely seem to explain how designers work, which may be confusing for stu- dents. To lea