Left Alone
Spatial and programmatic interventions countering urban loneliness in Linkeroever
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People are feeling more and more lonely, especially in cities. This has negative effects on mental and physical well-being as well as on the economy. Feeling lonely is not just caused by internal factors like genetics and social skills, as many people think. The environment we live in contributes 52% to the feeling of loneliness. This environment is something changeable, especially for urbanists. Therefore, this thesis aims to bridge the gap between the existing theories about loneliness and the practical applications of these in the built environment of Linkeroever. Linkeroever is a deprived modernist neighbourhood in Antwerp separated from the rest of the city by the Scheldt River, where urban loneliness is a serious issue. This thesis will propose spatial and programmatic interventions through different scales and grounded in literature and empirical research that stimulate social cohesion and collective development on a legible human scale, countering urban loneliness. This will be done by answering the research question: how to improve spatial and programmatic conditions in Linkeroever that stimulate social cohesion and collective development, countering urban loneliness? Methods including research by design, literature analysis, and field trips helped by answering this question and resulted in an urban design for Linkeroever. Key takeaways from this research and design are that to counter urban loneliness important topics are social cohesion, social interaction, collective and personal development opportunities, and a legible and human scale. Spatial elements like hybrid zones, collective courtyards, and better public transport connections, together with programmatic solutions like a diverse public space offer, providing people with choices regarding social and development spaces, and making people proud through landmarks, can be used by urban designers and planners to counter urban loneliness all over the world.