
H.L. van der Meel

113 records found

Saint Petersburg is a second-largest city in Russia, having a population over 6 million people. Located in the northern part of the country on the edge of the Baltic Sea it was founded by tsar Peter the Great in 1703 as a future capital for Russian Empire. Tsar was wishing the ne ...

Beirut House of Fashion

Fashion Creation Office: centre providing workspaces & resources to support the rebirth of Beirut's fashion ecosystem

Once, counting as an important banking hub and capital for fashion design within the Arabian countries, Beirut’s favourable economic positioning was weakened by social unrests, political standstill, and economic volatility. Beirut’s population has been facing severe socioeconomic ...


A new form of structuralism

System Design in the built environment is one of the most influential design paradigms in architecture and construction. This paper seeks to amalgamate empirical design strategies with various architectural principles, including the notion of “open buildings” or “open-ended archi ...

Shop Transformation Typology

What different types of shops can be recognised when considering a transformation into housing?

This research thesis explores the transformation potential of different types of shops in the Netherlands. The outcome is a typology, of which one type was developed into a design project.

Mental Wellbeing & Space

Spaces for Mental Health & Wellbeing after Dislocation

This research encompasses an exploration on spaces for mental health and wellbeing for newcomers in the Netherlands with a migration background caused by forced dislocation. This group of new Dutch citizens have a higher prevalence for mental disorders such as anxiety, depression ...

Minas, as in mines

A hauntological approach to the site of disaster

This project deals with the event of disaster; more specifically, the contamination and destruction by a wave of sediment of towns in the Iron Quadrangle and the Rio Doce valley after the rupture of a tailings dam on November 5, 2015, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Through the manipul ...

ICSS: The International Community ‘Space’ Station

Publicness and formation of a resilient and sustainable community in a space habitat

The goal of this thesis is to propose a design for an orbital space station that incubates the future space civilization and is the base for space regulations and governance. A place that is democratizing access to space and resources, and allows for any interested individual to ...

The stories behind the stones

How the intangible aspects of architectural heritage can serve as a guiding theme within the design process

This graduation study examined in an exploratory way how the ‘intangible’ aspects of architectural [built] heritage could be made ‘tangible’ by means of an innovative and strategic collaborative or ‘counter-mapping’-based methodology, in order to give the socio-cultural or intan ...

Cultural Reform

Rethinking Cultural Manifestation in the Urban Environment

Across a period of multiple crises and a structurally instable government, amongst other things, there has been a strong national decline in cultural activity, production, and presence in the city of Beirut. With this, national identity is faltering, and citizens begin to give up ...
Beirut's Living Room:

Characterized by cultural diversity, Beirut has a multi-religious society, with unfortunately a rampant space shrinkage issue. With in particular the Public domain. Evidenced by limited infrastructure and virtually no affordable housing, the citysca ...

Mar Elias Crop Market

Integrating a food logistics center and crop market in the high density urban fabric in Beirut

Situated in the suburbs of Beirut, Lebanon, the Mar Elias Crop Market acts as protagonist project of the market district in the Beirut Mosaic urban masterplan. This masterplan is part of the Complex Projects Beirut graduation studio, focused on dealing with catastrophe in the bui ...

Salam Emergency Station

Responding to ermergency

It’s August 4 when Lebanon’s capital, Beirut, is hit by one of the largest non-nuclear explosions the world has ever seen. Unfortunately, this explosion that damaged and/or demolished more than half of the city is not the first crisis it has to deal with. Several catastrophes hav ...

Post-digital Depot

The hybrid cultural depot of Beirut

Departing from the instability of Beirut and the richness of its culture, this thesis aims to investigate if it is possible to preserve the heritage beyond the limitations of physical archiving. Translation of information into a new language; based on dig·i·ts, 0-1 computer code ...
As one of the important ports in the Mediterranean region, Port of Beirut is a
cargo transit hub in Lebanon and even the Arab region. Every year, 6.2m tons of cargo is circulated through the port of Beirut and transported to Lebanon and surrounding areas.
But the port’s l ...

Fruitful Beirut

Fighting poverty through urban agriculture in Beirut

Lebanon has been dealing with a multitude of challenges over its history. An massive port explosion in 2020 caused a rapid decline of the Lebanese valuta. The inflation caused an increase of the food prices with 400% since Lebanon is very depended on its food imports. This left p ...

House of Textiles, Beirut

Flagship Experience Center

The project 'House of Textiles' investigates the extent to which an architectural intervention is capable of giving hope, inspiration and encouraging innovation to a challenged place like Beirut. The project explores different ways of representing these assets through its archite ...

Embracing the Communal

The Perseverence of the Dynamic

The world around us is developing constantly. In terms of architecture and urban development, China is unprecedented. In a way, the sheer speed and volume of construction is a phenomenon, becoming characteristic for Chinese developments. Like all matter, this in itself is neither ...

We need to talk about the mall

Interventions in the public space

This book explores how to reinvent, reposition, and refunction the public space in and around the suburban mall of Schiedam Hof van Spaland. It contains of two parts: first it explores the problems related to the mall, and how these problems influence the community. Second, the p ...