Mental Wellbeing & Space
Spaces for Mental Health & Wellbeing after Dislocation
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This research encompasses an exploration on spaces for mental health and wellbeing for newcomers in the Netherlands with a migration background caused by forced dislocation. This group of new Dutch citizens have a higher prevalence for mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and related symptoms of a decreased mental health. The role of architectural spaces and architectonic elements is analyzed and studied through a thorough literature research, supported by case studies to relate to practical executions of the findings. The architectural spaces are defined by necessary activities in preventing and treating mental disorders, creating spaces that support participation, feeling of control, social relations, restoring identity etc. in relation to the integration process on a neighborhood-level. The architectonic elements describe the design considerations for these spaces concerning natural daylight, clear wayfinding, safety through a stable environment, materials for comfortable spaces and atmosphere created through aesthetics that create a home-like and familiar environment for support.