Conservative nature of Architecture in the Historical City center of Saint Petersburg and its’ influence on the architectural development of the city
Bridges - how to bring together Architects and Local citizens
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Saint Petersburg is a second-largest city in Russia, having a population over 6 million people. Located in the northern part of the country on the edge of the Baltic Sea it was founded by tsar Peter the Great in 1703 as a future capital for Russian Empire. Tsar was wishing the new capital to become the most beautiful city in Europe and the city was built with an intention to open up Russia towards western traditions and western European world. Today the first core of the city – its` historic part built through 18-19th centuries – is world known as Northern Venice and conquers the hearts of millions visitors. But through 300 years of its’ history the city turned from being one of the most progressive cities in Russia into the city with the prejudice to anything new. Today the city is trying to keep its’ “historical appearance”, to preserve how it looked like when it was envisioned by one of the greatest tsars in Russian History, but this intension is leading the historic city centre of Saint Petersburg to its` devastation.
In this Research and Design project I was reflecting on how to approach the consvervativist thinking about applying contemporary architecture in historically important areas of the city. In my research I explored what are the origins of conservatism among the citizens of Saint Petersburg and the reasons behind historic centre of Saint Petersburg being captured in its` past. I aimed to understand how to re-interpret the gaps in the historic fabric of the city and how to use them to bridge the gaps in-between progressive intentions of the architects and conservative view of the citizens of Saint Petersburg. As a result of this research I was designing a small scale architecture university on the edge of the historic city centre, which main aim is to be as open to the public of Saint Petersburg as possible to invite people for inspiring observations, thoughtful discussions and unexpected discoveries about the approaches that are used in the realm of contemporary architecture today...