
J.M. van Zalingen

42 records found


Rotterdam Urban School

The exploration of the urban school typology in the dutch setting and 21st century ways of learning

Cities are expanding and populations growing, the phenomenon of global urbanization causes cities to change. Rotterdam is the most progressive vertical urban city in The Netherlands. Starting from the 1990’s Rotterdam’s high-rise strategy caused the city to densify its city cente ...

Beyond Ivory Towers

The Cornerstone to a Community-Driven Economy

The skyscraper has since its invention shaped modern cities all over the world. More than any other architectural typologie it embodies the social-economic tendencies of the context in which it arises. As our urban ideals shift away from a corporate towards a community oriented b ...
In the 20th century, the notion of logistics migrated from the military sphere to trade, from Europe to the Americas. This shift in the theory of transport, accompanied by developments in transport and communication technologies, has revolutionized the way we buy, leading to the ...

The node

Relationship between the street and the built environment

The fascination started with the idea that a street is a gettering place for everyone. It is an open space where everybody can come and where people can meet and interact with each other. But is the street designed as a place for interaction? Or is it intended to get from one pla ...

The productive Home

Unfolding the blurred line between working and living

The digitalization of labor – enabled by the rise of the Internet and digital technologies – began a redefinition of architecture typologies. The typologies of Home and Office, once seen as stable and fixed, with clear distinctions, are now blurring their boundaries towards each ...

Open and Closed

A public space in Rotterdam at the border condition

In the coming 20 years, the city centre of Rotterdam will face a new wave of constructions, with the goal of densify the area with new 50.000 dwellings before the 2040, converting the city centre towards a more residential and international character. This up-coming densification ...
The Bank of Maas is a project which explores the changes in the urban fabric of Rotterdam, occurring as a result of technological developments. The project reflects on these developments, and utilizes them in order to create a condition for urban production to take place. The Ban ...

The Rotterdam Athletic Club

Creating a social condenser in the city centre of Rotterdam

With global urbanization, cities all around the world are changing. Rotterdam is expected to grow significantly in the upcoming decades and therefore will experience densification. This densification takes shape in the form of Rotterdam’s high-rise strategy and will have a direct ...

New Urban Front

Interiorizing the Maas river in Rotterdam

New Urban Front investigates how waterfront densification can contribute to interiorizing the Maas river in Rotterdam. In the past decade, the post-industrialization of Rotterdam's docks has created a new urban front: the Maas. However, this waterfront lacks character and scale, ...
In the post-industrial city, storage is not physical and immobile. The increasing digital storage flows, such as data, knowledge, and information, play a vital role in determining the physical parameters in cities. Ideas, as the collective term for knowledge and information, can ...
Have you ever wondered what the food you eat everyday can tell you about where you come from? Have you ever wondered why people from different parts of the world eat different types of food? There is more connection between food and culture than you may think. On an individual le ...
The idea of mobility nodes has been migrated and developed over time. A lot of research has been focused on those (inter)national nodes of a train station, this article is focused on the ‘Secondary Nodes’. Those regional nodes, of multiple transportation flows, are situated in de ...

The Vertical High Tech Campus

Esthablishing a new economical identity in the densified city center of Rotterdam

Since the neoliberal implementation in the government plans of Rotterdam in 1987, the vision of the city changed quite radically. A decade before the change, the city rejected high-rise buildings. But since this new vision, called ‘Nieuw Rotterdam’, got approved, Rotterdam implem ...
In recent years, microproduction has been gaining more and more attention. Microproduction is form of contemporary craftmanship which is focused on the local production and global connectivity. Changing consumer trends and the emergence of new technologies, in particular additive ...

The undervalued subterranean territory

Broadway theater and hotel complex

"Air Rights" in New York gives freedom for the super tall towers, while cages low rise buildings which sold their unbuilt. This graduation thesis investigates the future possibilities for the lots which sold their air rights. By exploring underground space, this project solves ur ...

Transitory Spaces

Popping up in the grid

The traffi c network of Midtown is under an enormous pressure, with a subway system that has deteriorated to such a dismal state that nearly all available funds go into maintenance and overhaul. Since Manhattan is an island and there are a limited number of access points, these c ...
In the coming decades, cities will have to house a lot more residents. For now, this unavoidable change is yet unimaginable. However, cities do have to prepare for challenges to come. Cities face the task to offer more housing in an already set framework of the existing context. ...

Vertical Campus

The future of big player architecture in Midtown Manhattan

As big player architecture has been the main shaper of the NYC skyline this thesis sought to find the answer to which industry would follow to built the next addition. The result is a vertical tech campus where the new york office is mixed with the california campus to create a f ...

The Public Private Produce

A contradictory mixed-use development of a private NSA office with public housing and sportscenter

Public space in Manhattan is mainly generated through a mechanism called Privately Owned Public Spaces, shortly POPS, allowing developers to construct taller buildings in exchange for the provision of public space. As a result of this incentivizing mechanism there are countless m ...
This project is part of the Complex Projects graduation studio, which investigates urban challenges as a result of political, economic, and environmental change. In this project especially environmental change is being considered, but also political and economic changes are intri ...