C. Garcia Sanchez
18 records found
An MPI-Fortran based signed-distance-field generator for computational fluid dynamics applications
This paper presents a highly efficient signed-distance field (SDF) generator designed specifically for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) workflows. Our approach integrates the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for parallel computing with the performance benefits of modern Fortran,
Reconstructing urban scenarios for computational fluid dynamics simulations typically requires significant manual effort, especially when higher geometrical details are required. To address this issue, we present a workflow to automatically reconstruct buildings in three levels o
This paper describes a data driven urban canopy model that can be coupled with detailed building energy models. The data driven model is used to assess the outdoor air temperature and humidity in a street canyon considering as inputs weather conditions at the atmospheric layer, t
As mandatory masking and social distancing measures decrease post-COVID-19, the risk of airborne pathogen transmission in crowded indoor spaces remains a significant public health concern. The pandemic highlighted the critical role of indoor air quality and ventilation in mitigat
This paper suggests a method to simulate interactions between buildings and their outdoor conditions at the city-scale using a coupled scheme whose physical parameters are entirely assessed from data of the indoor and outdoor built environment. The coupled scheme consists of a re
Urban building energy modelling aims at studying different approaches to estimate the energy consumed by buildings. However, most urban building energy models introduced in the literature ignore the impact that buildings have on their outdoor conditions, and inversely. Therefore,
Due to lack of information and long geometry generation times, tree geometries are usually oversimplified or even ignored in Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations that predict wind and pollutant dispersion in urban areas. Nevertheless, trees are known to impact local wind
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of ventilation for ensuring occupants’ health was widely stressed, especially for densely occupied places such as schools (Ding et al, 2022). Correspondingly, new protocols of ventilation were implemented in school buildings among many
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ) and ventilation, which researchers have been warning about for years. During the pandemic, researchers studied several indicators using different approaches to assess IAQ and diverse ventilation systems
The corona pandemic underlined a lack of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and
ventilation. Consequently, to limit the spread of the virus, researchers explored several indicators that, through different approaches, assess IAQ and ventilation performance in indoor spaces. This paper gives
Ventilation and thermal conditions in secondary schools in the Netherlands
Effects of COVID-19 pandemic control and prevention measures
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of ventilation was widely stressed and new protocols of ventilation were implemented in school buildings worldwide. In the Netherlands, schools were recommended to keep the windows and doors open, and after a national lockdown more str
Using Landsat land surface temperature as a proxy for air temperature in urban settings
Experiments in the Netherlands
Understanding the UHI effect in any city requires high-resolution temperature data. This data is often difficult to obtain as cities usually have only a few ground sensors, leaving large data gaps. To fill these gaps, we compare Landsat-derived land surface temperature (LST) with
The corona pandemic accelerated a lot of studies about aerosol dispersion and different aerosol-generating tasks ranging in intensity from sneezing to breathing. Both measurements and numerical simulations were used to understand the behaviour of aerosols. For numerical simulatio
In the computational fluid dynamics simulation workflow, the geometry preparation step is often regarded as a tedious, time-consuming task. Many practitioners consider it one of the main bottlenecks in the simulation process. The more complex the geometry, the longer the necessar
Climate change and urbanization rates are transforming urban environments, making the use of 3D city models in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) a fundamental ingredient to evaluate urban layouts before construction. However, current geometries used in CFD simulations tend to be
As a first step toward achieving full physics urban weather simulation capabilities within the resident-GPU large-eddy simulation (LES) FastEddy® model, we have implemented and verified/validated a method for explicit representation of building effects. Herein, we extend the imme
Hypoxia, a condition of low dissolved oxygen concentration, is a widespread problem in marine and freshwater ecosystems. To date, prevention and mitigation of hypoxia has centered on nutrient reduction to prevent eutrophication. However, nutrient reduction is often slow and somet
Eerder publiceerden we in Geo-Info over onze methode om 3D-data zoals nodig in geluidsimulaties automatisch te genereren uit landsdekkende gegevens zoals BAG, BGT en hoogtepunten [1]. Deze geluidsimulaties zijn gebaseerd op gestandaardiseerde rekenvoorschriften voor geluids- bela