G. Karvelas
19 records found
Echoes of Tomorrow
A Parliament of Natural Things for Berlin
What if we welcome all things, plants and animals to the Parliament of Berlin? What would the Spree river vote for during the plenary sessions? What would be the reasoning of the brown bear? What claims would the Tiergarten and its trees make, and what future would the red fox
Elderly School in Berlin
This project is an elderly school in Berlin, which aims to help the elderly enjoy their happy life by enhancing their sense of self-achievement through knowledge sharing with other people. This elderly school floats on top of Fennpfuhl Lake in the park, and the elderly could also
Adaptable Bundestag Complex
How to design the adaptable Bundestag parliament of the future to sustainable facilitate the fluctuating number of members?
The Bundestag is the German federal parliament and with its 736 representatives it is the biggest freely elected parliament in the world (Mayer, 2021). The size of the Bundestag fluctuates every election term because the German voting system works with overhang and levelling repr
The Human Body Shop
An Institute for Human Body Augmentation
The following research focuses on "The Human Body Shop", an institute for human body augmentation. It is a hospital-oriented project based on the following research question: “How will human body augmentation reflect change in the hospital typology in the future?” Hospitals are s
The Quaker Project at Brigflatts
Re-activating a spiritually significant site in the Yorkshire Dales
For several decades, architectural theorists have argued that there is a loss of meaning in architecture, caused by an over-emphasis on scientific thinking and the devaluing of poetic practices. Some theorists have presented ways to return meaning to architecture: Juhani Pallasma
The Jugendgericht
The first House of Justice for Juveniles in Germany, Berlin
This project focuses on the discrimination against child justice and proposes the solution of creating a seperate specialized juvenile courthouse for youth offendors. Children are after all our future and should be properly taken care of.
Hybrid Communicator
A district parliament in Berlin in the age of digitalisation
This project focuses on two problems: the low publicness of architecture of district parliament, and the ongoing growth of distrust between citizens and representatives.
With the theme of digitalisation, this project responds to the problems by proposing a new parliamen ...
With the theme of digitalisation, this project responds to the problems by proposing a new parliamen ...
The natural temperate grasslands of the Victorian Volcanic Plains [VVP] are one of Australia's most critically endangered ecosystems. Extreme ecological transformations due to agricultural practices and urban development have resulted in less than 1% of the original vegetation re
Urban Identity in Crisis: Redefining Vernacular Architecture in Cairo
An investigation into Cairo’s built environment, public space and spatial practices
This project stems from a critical reflection on the urban processes of growth that trigger the construction of new cities in Egypt, in particular the development of the New Administrative Capital (NAC) that sits 45 km to the East of Cairo.
Over the last 50 years, Cairo ...
Over the last 50 years, Cairo ...
Nieuwe borgen
Towards a regenerative farmyard in the Oldambt
There is a growing distance between humans and their material surroundings. The Oldambt region in North Groningen and its farming culture serves as an example. Despite numerous initiatives to regenerate this area in recent decades, these efforts have struggled to gain footing, du
Parched Paradise
A Water Culture beyond Modernity in Mexico City
The project exmines the impacts of Water Culture in the Modern Period in Mexico City and aims to establish an alternate pathway in wake of socio-environmental pressures.
Enter the Symbiocene
Transforming a post-war apartment typology to create a symbiocene attitude of residents
This project in Rotterdam, centered on the Meent, represents a new beginning for revitalizing the city with a Symbiocene mindset through architectural design. As urban populations grow, biodiversity declines and technology advances exponentially, it's imperative to address how we
Monsoon Folio
Monsoonal Assemblages in the Borderlands of Assam
Monsoon folio situates itself within a vast planetary system as I follow the interactions of the char dwellers with the monsoonal cycles in the Assamese borderlands of India. While in modern writings of cities, the domains of the social and natural have been understood in isolati
a home in the city
Testing street dwelling as an alternative in Munich's housing crisis
Challenging a predominant focus in academia on studying societal and spatial challenges primarily in the Global South or non-Western environments, this project investigates the urban fabric and hidden socio-political mechanisms of precarity in the city of Munich, Germany. Housele
Enter 'space' to test the AI
Responsive Architecture: The home to come
As artificial intelligence (AI) technology progressively integrates into daily life and domestic environments, it instigates a pressing inquiry: What new spatial implications can arise from the integration of artificially intelligent technologies within homes, and what role can t
100 Years of Summer
A ski area brownfield as a testing ground to explore ways of how humans and nonhumans can thrive in a warming alpine landscape, together.
100 Years of Summer: A ski area brownfield as a testing ground to explore ways of how humans and nonhumans can thrive in a warming alpine landscape, together.
This project started with a romantic fascination for the mountain landscape in my home country, and with wondering wh ...
This project started with a romantic fascination for the mountain landscape in my home country, and with wondering wh ...