exploitative energy production to meet the demand (Our World in Data, 2021). The current energy system causes climate change, pollution, and pressure on space (Our World in Data, 2021) (Withagen, 1994) (KNMI, 2020)(NOS, 2017). The energy transition begins to take shape, companies
exploitative energy production to meet the demand (Our World in Data, 2021). The current energy system causes climate change, pollution, and pressure on space (Our World in Data, 2021) (Withagen, 1994) (KNMI, 2020)(NOS, 2017). The energy transition begins to take shape, companies are investing in large-scale wind farms at sea, and people are installing solar panels on their roofs.
However, nothing changed in lifestyle and energy consumption. By approaching the energy transition from with the current mindset, it tackles the problems surrounding climate change and pollution, but the pressure on space will increase (Sijmons et al., 2014).
Throughout history, the relationship between space and energy has been great; the energy landscape signi-ficantly influenced our living environment (PBL, 2003)(Toekomstatelier NL2100, 2022). Over the years, it has become increasingly distant from our immediate living environment. Out of sight, out of mind (PBL, 2003). As a result, the consequences of unrestrained energy consumption are unclear, and people are not inclined to change. This research focuses on how this problem came about and the possibilities for the future. The design brings the energy landscape back into the living environment in the middle of the city.
The research focuses on Oud-Crooswijk, a neighbourhood in the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Here, the design investigates the potential of inner-city energy production and its spatial consequences. The energy transition is the catalyst for investment in spatial quality in the district. If the development is already there, much more can be made possible.
In addition, the research shows how our lifestyle needs to change to achieve the intended quality. How people should adjust their behaviour and become more frugal and at the same time work together. As a result, the design creates a more conscious and social living environment. The research shows that by changing our behaviour and decentralise sustainable energy generation we can improve spatial quality, microclimate, and community. Now it is just a matter of daring to switch off.