T. Sinnige
26 records found
Influence of Lift-Induced Upwash on Propeller Blade Deformation: A Digital Image Correlation Study for Next-Generation Open Rotor Engines
Measurement Methodology and Results
The present study investigates the deformation of propeller blades in the presence of a wing, specifically analysing the lift-induced upwash effects through experimental measurements conducted in a wind tun- nel. The objective is to quantify the impact of non-uniform inflow on bl
In recent years, the civil aviation sector has increasingly focused on optimizing propulsion designs to improve efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Propellers have regained attention for their superior efficiency, particularly in applications like full-electric aircra
An unintended yaw is a persistent accident characterised by an unexpected helicopter rotation around the yaw axis without the pilot’s intention and any technical malfunctions. Unintended yaw accidents are one of the top operational causes of helicopter accidents, causing serious
The effect of excluding the nacelle in tip-mounted propeller research can be modelled with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to quantify this effect on the wing performance and flow measurements. For this, the performance parameters of the wing in terms of lift and drag are anal
Propeller-based propulsion technology is experiencing renewed interest owing to its superior propulsive efficiency in comparison to conventional jet engines. This phenomenon is attributed to the capacity to generate thrust by accelerating a significant volume of air through a sma
Ammonia shows great potential for decarbonizing the road transportation sector because it does not produce CO2 emissions during combustion. On the other hand, ammonia-fueled engines emit gases such as (unburned) ammonia (NH3), and nitrogen oxides (NO)x<
Isolated Propeller Aeroacoustics at Negative Thrust
An Experimental Study
In recent years, there has been renewed interest in propeller research due to environmental concerns. Propellers are known for their low-speed efficiency and compatibility with electric motors. The utilization of regenerative energy during deceleration has been demonstrated to be
From the desire to reduce the impact of traveling on the environment and the increase in fuel prices over the past years, the propeller has regained interest as a propulsion mechanism in the aviation industry. Two main reasons can be found in their high propulsive efficiency and
The angular momentum or swirl in the propeller slipstream is an energy loss. An effective method to recover the swirl and increase the propulsive efficiency is to use Swirl Recovery Vanes (SRVs). Former research showed an over-prediction in SRV thrust by a lifting line theory (LL
This thesis investigates the aerodynamics of a propeller-wing-flap system, spurred by the growing interest in propeller-driven aircraft and the potential introduction of distributed electric propulsion. The research focuses on the complex flowfield involving the interaction of th
The ever-growing aerospace industry's urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has ignited a surge of interest in hybrid or fully electric propulsion systems. The electrification of aircraft introduces the possibility for energy to be recovered during phases of flight where
Propeller propulsion systems combined with Boundary layer ingestion (BLI) have been proposed as a propulsive system to reduce the CO2 emissions of aircraft by 50% by 2050. BLI leads to increased disturbances at the propeller disk and causes more noise due to the fluctuating blade
To make propellers more viable as a greener alternative to jet engines, the issue of propeller noise needs to be addressed. Previous propeller design optimization studies rarely take into account the effects on aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance due to non-uniform inflow, t
Aviation is responsible for a large part of the emissions due to transportation, which is why, in recent years, a trend towards implementing sustainability in aviation has emerged. In small aircraft, the concept of Leading-Edge Distributed Propulsion (LEDP) can provide aerodynami
To cater to the increasing demand in short-range passenger air transport and the research in electric and hybrid aircraft, there is a renewed interest in the research of propellers. Propellers are known to have high aerodynamic efficiency, which translates to lower fuel burn in c
Due to the rising demand for short-range air travel and the desire for aircraft driven by electric propulsion, there has been a renewed interest in propeller research. Despite the high potential aerodynamic efficiency of propellers, their excessive noise emissions prevent a wides
Wingtip-mounted propellers installed at a nonzero yaw angle
A numerical investigation
Propellers were the first means of powered propulsion for aircraft. However the development of propellers stalled due to the growing interest in jet propulsion. Due to the growing interest in more fuel efficient and environmentally responsible aviation, propeller research is curr
As electric vehicles are quickly taking over the automotive industry, electric airplanes are also starting their upswing. With air travel and transport in general being a large polluter of CO2 gases, the transition to electric flight becomes more prominent every year. This transi
In the global search to more sustainable developments, research in the field of propeller propulsion systems is experiencing a renewed interest. The combination of efficiency and noise production is not studied as extensively as propeller efficiency alone in past studies. In this