The present study investigates the deformation of propeller blades in the presence of a wing, specifically analysing the lift-induced upwash effects through experimental measurements conducted in a wind tun- nel. The objective is to quantify the impact of non-uniform inflow on bl
The present study investigates the deformation of propeller blades in the presence of a wing, specifically analysing the lift-induced upwash effects through experimental measurements conducted in a wind tun- nel. The objective is to quantify the impact of non-uniform inflow on blade bending, with a particular focus on the aerodynamic interactions between the rotor and the wing. Image Pattern Correlation Tech- nique (IPCT) was employed to measure blade deformation, leveraging high-resolution optical methods to capture structural response under varying flight conditions. The experimental campaign was conducted at the Large Low-speed Facility (LLF) of the German- Dutch Wind Tunnels (DNW), a closed-circuit wind tunnel with an open test section measuring 6 × 8 m. The facility provides high flow uniformity, low turbulence levels, and a Mach number range up to 0.2, allowing for detailed aerodynamic and structural measurements. A range of rotor pitch angles and operating conditions were tested to assess how blade deformation varies with changes in aerodynamic loading. Preparatory work was done at DLR in Göttingen to test all the necessary assumptions. Results indicate that inflow incidence angle (αC) corrections, which account for the effective angle of attack due to the lift-induced upwash at the rotor, effectively account for deformation effects, includ- ing in swept-wing configurations. The propwash was found to significantly influence the wing lift and consequently the induced upwash and angle of attack at the rotor. The location of maximum bending, defined as the displacement normal to the plane defined by the rotor span and its root chordline, was verified for both the wing-on and wing-off cases, with the wing sweep being directly responsible for an increase in mean bending and a clockwise rotation in the deformation distribution. Furthermore, mea- surements revealed that the upgoing blade, closer to the wing leading edge, exhibited larger deviations between clean and wing-on setups due to both the rotation of the deformation distribution and to the increase in deformation which were not accounted for by the lift-induced α correction computed for the rotor centre. The effect of the component of lift-induced upwash field due to the wing sweep resulted in a 10% increase in mean bending at the worst case scenario of high angle of attack and advance ratio. These results highlight the importance of wing-rotor integration for aerodynamic efficiency and struc- tural resilience, particularly in higher disk loading configurations, such as open-rotor designs. The find- ings suggest that wing sweep and propwash interactions, identified as the main cause of the non-uniform inflow component, strongly influence blade deformation and could be relevant for future propulsion sys- tem designs. This has implications not only for structural analysis, as the rotor is more stressed, but also for aerodynamics, as the measured displacement can affect the twist distribution. Strain gauges were considered a complementary method to digital image correlation, offering data to correlate IPCT measurements across the rotor disk and reconstruct deformation fields in occluded areas. Furthermore, linking in-plane loads from the RSB with rotor disk deformation could improve the understanding of blade behaviour. The study also underscores the feasibility of using optical measurement techniques for partially occluded stator blades, provided that phase-dependent rotor wake effects on deformation remain negligible. In the investigated configuration with steel stator blades, deformation appeared negligible, falling within the measurement accuracy range. Future work should focus on integrating strain gauge data with IPCT to improve measurement coverage, exploring correlations between vibrational modes and blade deformation. These advancements would refine predictive aerodynamic models, provide insight into rotor-wing interactions and contribute to the development of more efficient propulsion systems for next-generation aircraft