Sebastian Kölling
13 records found
Atom probes generate three-dimensional atomic-scale tomographies of material volumes corresponding to the size of modern-day solid-state devices. Here, the capabilities of atom probe tomography are evaluated to analyze buried interfaces in semiconductor heterostructures relevant
The growth of Sn-rich group-IV semiconductors at the nanoscale can enrich the understanding of the fundamental properties of metastable GeSn alloys. Here, we demonstrate the effect of the growth conditions on the morphology and composition of Ge/GeSn core/shell nanowires by corre
In-situ Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) is used to determine the time evolution of the chemical composition of precipitates at 650 °C and 700 °C in three micro-alloyed steels with different vanadium (V) and carbon (C) concentrations. Precipitates with a distribution of subs
We report on the selective-area chemical beam epitaxial growth of InAs in-plane, one-dimensional (1D) channels using patterned SiO2-coated InP(001), InP(111)B, and InP(011) substrates to establish a scalable platform for topological superconductor networks. Top-view scanning elec
Semiconductor nanowires are ideal for realizing various low-dimensional quantum devices. In particular, topological phases of matter hosting non-Abelian quasiparticles (such as anyons) can emerge when a semiconductor nanowire with strong spin-orbit coupling is brought into contac
The ability of core-shell nanowires to overcome existing limitations of heterostructures is one of the key ingredients for the design of next generation devices. This requires a detailed understanding of the mechanism for strain relaxation in these systems in order to eliminate s
Majorana zero modes (MZMs), prime candidates for topological quantum bits, are detected as zero bias conductance peaks (ZBPs) in tunneling spectroscopy measurements. Implementation of a narrow and high tunnel barrier in the next generation of Majorana devices can help to achieve
Majorana zero modes (MZMs) are prime candidates for robust topological quantum bits, holding a great promise for quantum computing. Semiconducting nanowires with strong spin orbit coupling offer a promising platform to harness one-dimensional electron transport for Majorana physi
Semiconductor nanowires have opened new research avenues in quantum transport owing to their confined geometry and electrostatic tunability. They have offered an exceptional testbed for superconductivity, leading to the realization of hybrid systems combining the macroscopic quan
Group IV semiconductor optoelectronic devices are now possible by using strain-free direct band gap GeSn alloys grown on a Ge/Si virtual substrate with Sn contents above 9%. Here, we demonstrate the growth of Ge/GeSn core/shell nanowire arrays with Sn incorporation up to 13% and
Topological superconductivity is a state of matter that can host Majorana modes, the building blocks of a topological quantum computer. Many experimental platforms predicted to show such a topological state rely on proximity-induced superconductivity. However, accessing the topol
We investigated the optical properties of wurtzite (WZ) GaP nanowires by performing photoluminescence (PL) and time-resolved PL measurements in the temperature range from 4 K to 300 K, together with atom probe tomography to identify residual impurities in the nanowires. At low te
Nanowire based solar cells have attracted great attention due to their potential for high efficiency and low device cost. Photovoltaic devices based on InP nanowires now have characteristics comparable to InP bulk solar cells. A detailed and direct correlation of the influence of