37 records found

The formation of a topological superconducting phase in a quantum-dot-based Kitaev chain requires nearest neighbor crossed Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling. Here, we report on a hybrid InSb nanowire in a three-site Kitaev chain geometry - the smallest system with well-d ...
Kitaev chains in quantum dot-superconductor arrays are a promising platform for the realization of topological superconductivity. As recently demonstrated, even a two-site chain can host Majorana zero modes known as “poor man’s Majorana”. Harnessing the potential of these states ...
The proximity effect of superconductivity on confined states in semiconductors gives rise to various bound states such as Andreev bound states, Andreev molecules, and Majorana zero modes. While such bound states do not conserve charge, their fermion parity is a good quantum numbe ...
The search for Majoranas bound states has witnessed heated efforts in the past decade. This field of research lies at the intersection of both scientific and commercial interests. The Majorana quasiparticle, being its own antiparticle and exhibiting non-abelian exchange statistic ...
Semiconductor nanowires coupled to superconductors can host Andreev bound states with distinct spin and parity, including a spin-zero state with an even number of electrons and a spin-1/2 state with odd-parity. Considering the difference in spin of the even and odd states, spin-f ...
Majorana bound states constitute one of the simplest examples of emergent non-Abelian excitations in condensed matter physics. A toy model proposed by Kitaev shows that such states can arise at the ends of a spinless p-wave superconducting chain1. Practical proposals f ...
The proximity effect in semiconductor-superconductor nanowires is expected to generate an induced gap in the semiconductor. The magnitude of this induced gap, together with the semiconductor properties like spin-orbit coupling and g-factor, depends on the coupling between the mat ...
A short superconducting segment can couple attached quantum dots via elastic cotunneling (ECT) and crossed Andreev reflection (CAR). Such coupled quantum dots can host Majorana bound states provided that the ratio between CAR and ECT can be controlled. Metallic superconductors ha ...
Semiconductor quantum dots have proven to be a useful platform for quantum simulation in the solid state. However, implementing a superconducting coupling between quantum dots mediated by a Cooper pair has so far suffered from limited tunability and strong suppression. This has l ...
In most naturally occurring superconductors, electrons with opposite spins form Cooper pairs. This includes both conventional s-wave superconductors such as aluminium, as well as high-transition-temperature, d-wave superconductors. Materials with intrinsic p-wave superconductivit ...
In superconducting quantum circuits, aluminum is one of the most widely used materials. It is currently also the superconductor of choice for the development of topological qubits. However, aluminum-based devices suffer from poor magnetic field compatibility. Herein, this limitat ...

Retraction Note - Epitaxy of advanced nanowire quantum devices

Correction to: Nature Published online 24 August 2017

The authors of the paper “Epitaxy of advanced nanowire quantum devices”1 wish to retract this work. When preparing the underlying data for public release2, it was discovered that some data had been inappropriately deleted or cropped when preparing the final ...
The lowest-energy excitations of superconductors do not carry an electric charge, as their wave function is equally electron-like and hole-like. This fundamental property is not easy to study in electrical measurements that rely on the charge to generate an observable signal. The ...

Retraction Note

Quantized Majorana conductance (Nature, (2018), 556, 7699, (74-79), 10.1038/nature26142)

In this Letter, we reported electrical measurements and numerical simulations of hybrid superconducting–semiconducting nanowires in a magnetic field. We reported plateaus in the conductance at 2e2/h, which we interpreted as evidence for the presence of Majorana zero-modes. Howeve ...
Selective area growth is a promising technique to realize semiconductor-superconductor hybrid nanowire networks, potentially hosting topologically protected Majorana-based qubits. In some cases, however, such as the molecular beam epitaxy of InSb on InP or GaAs substrates, nuclea ...
Selective-area growth is a promising technique for enabling of the fabrication of the scalable III-V nanowire networks required to test proposals for Majorana-based quantum computing devices. However, the contours of the growth parameter window resulting in selective growth remai ...
Majorana zero-modes - a type of localized quasiparticle - hold great promise for topological quantum computing. Tunnelling spectroscopy in electrical transport is the primary tool for identifying the presence of Majorana zero-modes, for instance as a zero-bias peak in differentia ...
We study the effect of external electric fields on superconductor-semiconductor coupling by measuring the electron transport in InSb semiconductor nanowires coupled to an epitaxially grown Al superconductor. We find that the gate voltage induced electric fields can greatly modify ...
The number of electrons in small metallic or semiconducting islands is quantised. When tunnelling is enabled via opaque barriers this number can change by an integer. In superconductors the addition is in units of two electron charges (2e), reflecting that the Cooper pair condens ...