J. Shen
12 records found
We show a hard superconducting gap in a Ge-Si nanowire Josephson transistor up to in-plane magnetic fields of 250 mT, an important step toward creating and detecting Majorana zero modes in this system. A hard gap requires a highly homogeneous tunneling heterointerface between the
Low-dimensional high-quality InSb materials are promising candidates for next-generation quantum devices due to the high carrier mobility, low effective mass, and large g-factor of the heavy element compound InSb. Various
We study superconducting quantum interference in InSb flake Josephson junctions. An even-odd effect in the amplitude and periodicity of the superconducting quantum interference pattern is found. Interestingly, the occurrence of this pattern coincides with enhanced conduction at b
Low dimensional semiconducting structures with strong spin-orbit interaction (SOI) and induced superconductivity attracted great interest in the search for topological superconductors. Both the strong SOI and hard superconducting gap are directly related to the topological protec
The number of electrons in small metallic or semiconducting islands is quantised. When tunnelling is enabled via opaque barriers this number can change by an integer. In superconductors the addition is in units of two electron charges (2e), reflecting that the Cooper pair condens
A Ge–Si core–shell nanowire is used to realize a Josephson field-effect transistor with highly transparent contacts to superconducting leads. By changing the electric field, access to two distinct regimes, not combined before in a single device, is gained: in the accumulation mod
In this work, the highly selective and stable electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO on nanostructured Ag electrocatalysts is presented. The Ag electrocatalysts are synthesized by the electroreduction of Ag2CO3 formed by in situ anodic-etching of
Semiconductor nanowires are ideal for realizing various low-dimensional quantum devices. In particular, topological phases of matter hosting non-Abelian quasiparticles (such as anyons) can emerge when a semiconductor nanowire with strong spin-orbit coupling is brought into contac