M. P. Bruijn
13 records found
The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) is an imaging spectrometer based on a large array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES) measured using Time Domain Multiplexing (TDM). For the development of a backup detector array, we have designed and realized a cryogenic test setup capable of
At SRON, we have been developing X-ray TES micro-calorimeters as backup technology for the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) of the Athena mission, demonstrating excellent resolving powers both under DC and AC bias. We also developed a frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout
We report our most recent progress and demonstration of a frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) readout technology for transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays, both of which we have been developing in the framework of the X-IFU instrument on board the future Athena X-ray telescope. Usi
We demonstrate multiplexing readout of 60 transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers operating at 90 mK using a frequency division multiplexing readout chain with bias frequencies ranging from 1 to 3.5 MHz and with a typical frequency spacing of 32 kHz. The readout chain starts with
Transition-edge sensors (TESs) are the selected technology for future spaceborne x-ray observatories, such as Athena, Lynx, and HUBS. These missions demand thousands of pixels to be operated simultaneously with high energy-resolving power. To reach these demanding requirements, e
Uniform large transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays are fundamental for the next generation of x-ray space observatories. These arrays are required to achieve an energy resolution ΔE < 3 eV full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the soft x-ray energy range. We are currently develo
Transition-edge sensors (TESs) are used as very sensitive thermometers in microcalorimeters aimed at detection of different wavelengths. In particular, for soft X-ray astrophysics, science goals require very high-resolution microcalorimeters which can be achieved with TESs couple
Superconducting transition-edge sensors (TESs) are highly sensitive detectors. Based on the outstanding performance on spectral resolution, the X-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) instrument on-board athena will be equipped with a large array of TES-based microcalorimeters. For opt
We are developing large Transition Edge Sensor (TES) arrays in combination with a frequency domain multiplexing readout for the next generation of X-ray space observatories. For operation under an AC-bias, the TESs have to be carefully designed and optimized. In particular, the u
The next generation of Far-infrared and X-ray space observatories will require detector arrays with thousands of transition edge sensor (TES) pixel. It is extremely important to have a tool that is able to characterize all the pixels and that can give a clear picture of the perfo
Frequency-division multiplexing is the baseline read-out system for large arrays of superconducting transition-edge sensors (TES’s) under development for the X-ray and infrared instruments like X-IFU (Athena) and SAFARI, respectively. In this multiplexing scheme, the sensors are
SRON is developing X-ray transition edge sensor (TES) calorimeters arrays, as a backup technology for X-IFU instrument on the ATHENA space observatory. These detectors are based on a superconducting TiAu bilayer TES with critical temperature of 100 mK on a 1 μm thick SiN membrane
Ultra-low-noise transition edge sensors (TES) with noise equivalent power lower than 2 × 10- 19 W/Hz1 / 2 have been fabricated by SRON, which meet the sensitivity requirements for the far-infrared SAFARI instrument on space infrared telescope for cosmology a