
M. de Wit

13 records found

At SRON, we have been developing X-ray TES micro-calorimeters as backup technology for the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) of the Athena mission, demonstrating excellent resolving powers both under DC and AC bias. We also developed a frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout ...
SRON (Netherlands Institute for Space Research) is developing the focal plane assembly (FPA) for Athena X-IFU, whose demonstration model (DM) will use for the first time a time domain multiplexing (TDM)-based readout system for the on-board transition-edge sensors (TES). We repor ...
We report on the x-ray background rate measured with transition-edge sensors (TES) micro-calorimeters under frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout as a possible technology for future experiments aiming at a direct detection of axion-like particles. Future axion helioscopes w ...
Large arrays of transition edge sensors (TESs) are the baseline for a number of future space observatories. For instance, the X-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) instrument on board the ATHENA space telescope will consist of ∼ 3000 TESs with high energy resolution (2eV at X-ray ene ...
Transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeters and bolometers are used for a variety of applications.The sensors are based on the steep temperature-dependent resistance of the normal-to-superconducting transition, and are thus intrinsically sensitive to magnetic fields. Conventio ...
We report measured Tc of superconducting Ti/Au bilayer strips with a width W varying from 5 to 50 µm. The strips were fabricated based on a Ti/Au bilayer that consists of a 41-nm-thick Ti layer to which a 280-nm-thick Au layer was added. We find that the Tc ...
We present a characterization of the sensitivity of TES X-ray micro-calorimeters to environmental conditions under frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout. In the FDM scheme, each TES in a readout chain is in series with a LC band-pass filter and AC biased with an independent ...
Uniform large transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays are fundamental for the next generation of x-ray space observatories. These arrays are required to achieve an energy resolution ΔE < 3 eV full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the soft x-ray energy range. We are currently develo ...
Transition-edge sensors (TESs) are the selected technology for future spaceborne x-ray observatories, such as Athena, Lynx, and HUBS. These missions demand thousands of pixels to be operated simultaneously with high energy-resolving power. To reach these demanding requirements, e ...

Frequency shift algorithm

Application to a frequency-domain multiplexing readout of x-ray transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters

In the frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) scheme, transition-edge sensors (TESs) are individually coupled to superconducting LC filters and AC biased at MHz frequencies through a common readout line. To make efficient use of the available readout bandwidth and to minimize the ef ...
We are developing large Transition Edge Sensor (TES) arrays in combination with a frequency domain multiplexing readout for the next generation of X-ray space observatories. For operation under an AC-bias, the TESs have to be carefully designed and optimized. In particular, the u ...
This paper presents a first assessment of the hydrometeorological potential of a C-band doppler weather radar recently installed by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium near the village of Wideumont in the southern Ardennes region. An analysis of the vertical profile of ...