S. Visser

4 records found


Large arrays of transition edge sensors (TESs) are the baseline for a number of future space observatories. For instance, the X-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) instrument on board the ATHENA space telescope will consist of ∼ 3000 TESs with high energy resolution (2eV at X-ray ...

We are developing large Transition Edge Sensor (TES) arrays in combination with a frequency domain multiplexing readout for the next generation of X-ray space observatories. For operation under an AC-bias, the TESs have to be carefully designed and optimized. In particular, th ...

Superconducting transition-edge sensors (TESs) are highly sensitive detectors. Based on the outstanding performance on spectral resolution, the X-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) instrument on-board athena will be equipped with a large array of TES-based microcalorimeters. For ...

We are developing a transition edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter array based on a Ti/Au superconducting bilayer, as a backup option for the X-IFU instrument on the Athena X-ray observatory. The array is read out by a frequency-division multiplexing readout system using a 1–5  ...