D. Vaccaro
17 records found
The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) is an imaging spectrometer based on a large array of Transition Edge Sensors (TES) measured using Time Domain Multiplexing (TDM). For the development of a backup detector array, we have designed and realized a cryogenic test setup capable of
SRON (Netherlands Institute for Space Research) is developing the focal plane assembly (FPA) for Athena X-IFU, whose demonstration model (DM) will use for the first time a time domain multiplexing (TDM)-based readout system for the on-board transition-edge sensors (TES). We repor
The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) is an instrument of European Space Agency's future NewAthena space observatory, with the goal to provide high-energy resolution (<4 eV at X-ray energies up to 7 keV) and high-spatial resolution (9 in.) spectroscopic imaging over the X-ray
At SRON, we have been developing X-ray TES micro-calorimeters as backup technology for the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) of the Athena mission, demonstrating excellent resolving powers both under DC and AC bias. We also developed a frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout
We report on the x-ray background rate measured with transition-edge sensors (TES) micro-calorimeters under frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout as a possible technology for future experiments aiming at a direct detection of axion-like particles. Future axion helioscopes w
We report our most recent progress and demonstration of a frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) readout technology for transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays, both of which we have been developing in the framework of the X-IFU instrument on board the future Athena X-ray telescope. Usi
Transition-edge-sensor (TES) microcalorimeters and bolometers are used for a variety of applications.The sensors are based on the steep temperature-dependent resistance of the normal-to-superconducting transition, and are thus intrinsically sensitive to magnetic fields. Conventio
Large arrays of transition edge sensors (TESs) are the baseline for a number of future space observatories. For instance, the X-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) instrument on board the ATHENA space telescope will consist of ∼ 3000 TESs with high energy resolution (2eV at X-ray ene
We present a characterization of the sensitivity of TES X-ray micro-calorimeters to environmental conditions under frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout. In the FDM scheme, each TES in a readout chain is in series with a LC band-pass filter and AC biased with an independent
We report measured Tc of superconducting Ti/Au bilayer strips with a width W varying from 5 to 50 µm. The strips were fabricated based on a Ti/Au bilayer that consists of a 41-nm-thick Ti layer to which a 280-nm-thick Au layer was added. We find that the Tc
In the early 2030s, ESAs new X-ray observatory, Athena, is scheduled to be launched. It will carry two main
instruments, one of which is the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), an X-ray imaging spectrometer, which will consist of an array of several thousand transition-edge s ...
instruments, one of which is the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU), an X-ray imaging spectrometer, which will consist of an array of several thousand transition-edge s ...
We have measured and characterized the thermal crosstalk in two different arrays of transition-edge sensor (TES) X-ray microcalorimeters with frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) readout. The TES arrays are fabricated at SRON and are a 8 × 8 and a 32 × 32 'kilo-pixel' uniform arra
Ti/Au TES 32 × 32 Pixel Array
Uniformity, Thermal Crosstalk and Performance at Different X-Ray Energies
Large format arrays of transition edge sensor (TES) are crucial for the next generation of X-ray space observatories. Such arrays are required to achieve an energy resolution of Δ E < 3 eV full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) in the soft X-ray energy range. We are currently developi
We report on the development and demonstration of MHz frequency domain multiplexing (FDM) technology to readout arrays of cryogenic transition edge sensor (TES) x-ray microcalorimeters. In our FDM scheme, TESs are AC biased at different resonant frequencies in the low MHz range t
Frequency shift algorithm
Application to a frequency-domain multiplexing readout of x-ray transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters
In the frequency-domain multiplexing (FDM) scheme, transition-edge sensors (TESs) are individually coupled to superconducting LC filters and AC biased at MHz frequencies through a common readout line. To make efficient use of the available readout bandwidth and to minimize the ef
Uniform large transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays are fundamental for the next generation of x-ray space observatories. These arrays are required to achieve an energy resolution ΔE < 3 eV full width at half maximum (FWHM) in the soft x-ray energy range. We are currently develo
We are developing a kilo-pixels Ti/Au TES array as a backup option for Athena X-IFU. Here we report on single-pixel performance of a 32 × 32 array operated in a Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) readout system, with bias frequencies in the range 1-5 MHz. We have tested the pi