Alexis Berne
24 records found
The raindrop size distribution (DSD) is a statistical description of the number and
size distribution of raindrops within a specified volume of air. DSDs play a central
role in radar remote sensing and are essential for understanding the scattering and
absorption of e ...
size distribution of raindrops within a specified volume of air. DSDs play a central
role in radar remote sensing and are essential for understanding the scattering and
absorption of e ...
Commercial microwave links (CMLs) in telecommunication networks can provide relevant information for remote sensing of precipitation and other environmental variables, such as path-averaged drop size distribution, evaporation, or humidity. The CoMMon field experiment (COmmercial
Many applications in urban areas require high-resolution rainfall measurements. Typical operational weather radars can provide rainfall intensities at 1-km 2 grid cells every 5 min. O
In situ observations of snowfall over the Antarctic Ice Sheet are scarce. Currently, continent-wide assessments of snowfall are limited to information from the Cloud Profiling Radar on board the CloudSat satellite, which has not been evaluated up to now. In this study, snowfall d
The importance of hydraulic groundwater theory in catchment hydrology
The legacy of Wilfried Brutsaert and Jean-Yves Parlange
Based on a literature overview, this paper summarizes the impact and legacy of the contributions of Wilfried Brutsaert and Jean-Yves Parlange (Cornell University) with respect to the current state-of-the-art understanding in hydraulic groundwater theory. Forming the basis of many
Microwave links can be used for the estimation of path-averaged rainfall by using either the path-integrated attenuation or the difference in attenuation of two signals with different frequencies and/or polarizations. Link signals have been simulated using measured time series of
The large variability of the raindrop size distribution (DSD) in space and time must be taken into account to improve remote Ser..sing of precipitation. The ability to simulate a large number of 2-D fields of DSDs sharing the same statistical properties provides a very useful sim
As rainfall constitutes the main source of water for the terrestrial hydrological processes, accurate and reliable measurement and prediction of its spatial and temporal distribution over a wide range of scales is an important goal for hydrology. We investigate the potential of g
Path-averaged rainfall estimation using microwave links
Uncertainty due to spatial rainfall variability
Microwave links can be used to estimate the path-averaged rain rate along the link when precipitation occurs. They take advantage of the near proportionality between the specific attenuation affecting the link signal and the rain rate. This paper deals with the influence of the s
Weather radar systems are very suitable tools for the monitoring of extreme rainfall events providing measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution over a wide geographical area. Nevertheless, radar rainfall retrieval at C-band is prone to several error sources, such as
The raindrop size distribution (RSD) is a critical factor in estimating rain intensity using advanced dualpolarized weather radars. A new neural-network algorithm to estimate the RSD from S-band dual-polarized radar measurements is presented. The corresponding rain rates are then
At short wavelengths, especially C-, X-, and K-band, weather radar signals are attenuated by the precipitation along their paths. This constitutes a major source of error for radar rainfall estimation, in particular for intense precipitation. A recently developed stochastic simul
A stochastic model of range profiles of raindrop size distributions
Application to radar attenuation correction
To analyze the influence of the spatial variability of the raindrop size distribution (DSD) on rainfall estimation using weather radar, a stochastic model is proposed in order to simulate range profiles of DSDs and consequently profiles of rainfall intensity, radar reflectivity a
Knowledge of the raindrop size distribution (DSD) is essential for understanding the physics of precipitation and for interpreting remotely sensed observations of rain. Disdrometer measurements of DSDs are affected by uncertainties due to the limited sampling volumes or areas of
[1] The matter of the efficient and parsimonious parameterization of hillslope subsurface flow remains an important issue in catchment hydrological studies (Brutsaert, 1995). Insights into the influence of the shape and hydraulic characteristics of hillslopes is required to furth
This paper presents a first assessment of the hydrometeorological potential of a C-band doppler weather radar recently installed by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium near the village of Wideumont in the southern Ardennes region. An analysis of the vertical profile of