Development of TiAu TES x-ray calorimeters for the X-IFU on ATHENA space observatory

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SRON is developing X-ray transition edge sensor (TES) calorimeters arrays, as a backup technology for X-IFU instrument on the ATHENA space observatory. These detectors are based on a superconducting TiAu bilayer TES with critical temperature of 100 mK on a 1 μm thick SiN membrane with Au or Au/Bi absorbers. Number of devices have been fabricated and measured using a Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM) readout system with 1-5 MHz bias frequencies. We measured IV curves, critical temperature, thermal conductance, noise and also X-ray energy resolution at number of selected bias points. So far our best calorimeter shows 3.9 eV X-ray resolution at 6 keV. Here we present a summary of our results and the latest status of development of X-ray calorimeters at SRON.


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