Frequency division multiplexing readout of 60 low-noise transition-edge sensor bolometers

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We demonstrate multiplexing readout of 60 transition edge sensor (TES) bolometers operating at 90 mK using a frequency division multiplexing readout chain with bias frequencies ranging from 1 to 3.5 MHz and with a typical frequency spacing of 32 kHz. The readout chain starts with a two-stage SQUID amplifier and has a noise level of 9.5 pA/ Hz. We compare current-voltage curves and noise spectra of TESs measured in a single-pixel mode and in a multiplexing mode. We also map the noise equivalent power (NEP) and the saturation power of the bolometers in both modes, where there are 43 pixels that do not show more than 10% difference in NEP and 5% in saturation power when measured in single pixel and multiplex modes. We have read out a TES with an NEP of 0.45 aW/ Hz in the multiplexing-mode, which demonstrates the capability of reading out ultra-low noise TES bolometer arrays for space applications.


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