D. de Laat
10 records found
Track and Truth Correlation in Military Simulations
Solution Methods within an Assignment Problem Framework
Military simulation is essential for modern warfare, providing a virtual environment for training, analysis, and rehearsal of procedures. Accurate correlation between simulated entities, called tracks, and their radar detections, called tracks, is crucial for generating reliable
The minimum vertex cover problem (MinVertexCover) is an important optimization problem in graph theory, with applications in numerous fields outside of mathematics. As MinVertexCover is an NP-hard problem, there currently exists no efficient algorithm to find an optimal solution
In this thesis, gate set tomography (GST) has been conducted on the nitrogen vacancy center (NV). Gate set tomography is a protocol for characterization of logic operations (gates) on quantum computing processors. The NV’s electron served as a qubit. The quantum circuits were run
Convergence of the mixing method
An iterative algorithm for solving diagonally constrained semidefinite programs
This thesis explores the convergence of the mixing method, an iter- ative algorithm for solving diagonally constrained semidefinite programs. In this paper we first give an exposition of the convergence proof for the mixing method based on the proof by Wang, Chang, and Kolter , w
Single-qubit dynamics
Determining the density matrix of a qubit in closed and open quantum systems when considering free evolution and weak measurements
Quantum technology is evolving faster than ever. Currently, all eyes are on the quantum computer, the promising computer that can solve problems which are unsolvable for regular computers. In order to understand this new technology, it is necessary to understand the qubit, the ba
In this thesis, we start with giving a mathematical description of bipartite quantum correlations and how they are built up in the Tensor model. This is needed because we want to recover the state and the operators when only the bipartite quantum correlation ...
In this thesis, we give a primal-dual interior point method specialized to clustered low-rank semidefinite programs. We introduce multivariate polynomial matrix programs, and we reduce these to clustered low-rank semidefinite programs. This extends the work o ...
Large faulttolerant universal gate quantum computers will provide a major speedup to a variety of common computational problems. While such computers are years away, we currently have noisy intermediatescale quantum (NISQ) computers at our disposal. In this project we present
The construction of cyclic railway timetables is an important task for Netherlands Railways (NS).This construction can be formulated as a Periodic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP). The most powerful technique for solving cyclic railway timetabling problems is constraint programmin
Quantum Coin Flipping
And Circuit Design Problems in Distributed Quantum Computing
Quantum coin flipping is a cryptographic primitive in which two or more parties that do not trust each other want establish a fair coin flip. These parties are not physically near each other and use quantum communication channels to interact. A quality of protocols is measured by