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D.C. Gijswijt

25 records found

In this paper we study the Cayley graph Cay(Sn, T) of the symmetric group Sn generated by a set of transpositions T. We show that for n ≥ 5 the Cayley graph is normal. As a corollary, we show that its automorphism group is a direct product of Sn a ...
Noisy hardware forms one of the main hurdles to the realization of a near-term quantum internet. Distillation protocols allows one to overcome this noise at the cost of an increased overhead. We consider here an experimentally relevant class of distillation protocols, which disti ...
We prove new upper bounds on the smallest size of affine blocking sets, that is, sets of points in a finite affine space that intersect every affine subspace of a fixed codimension. We show an equivalence between affine blocking sets with respect to codimension-2 subspaces that a ...
Consider a system of m balanced linear equations in k variables with coefficients in Fq. If k ⩾ 2m + 1, then a routine application of the slice rank method shows that there are constants β, γ ⩾ 1 with γ < q such that, for every subset S ⊆ Fnq of size at l ...
Let ai1x1+・・・+aikxk = 0, i ∈ [m] be a balanced homogeneous system of linear equations with coefficients ai j from a finite field Fq. We say that a solution x = (x1, …,xk) with x1, …,xk ∈ (Formula presented) is generic if every homogeneous balanced linear equation satisfied by x i ...
Entanglement distillation is an essential building block in quantum communication protocols. Here, we study the class of near-term implementable distillation protocols that use bilocal Clifford operations followed by a single round of communication. We introduce tools to enumerat ...
An integer packing set is a set of non-negative integer vectors with the property that, if a vector x is in the set, then every non-negative integer vector y with y≤x is in the set as well. The main result of this paper is that integer packing sets, ordered by inclusion, form a w ...
In a multi-agent system where agents provide quantifiable work for each other on a voluntary basis, reputation mechanisms are incorporated to induce cooperation. Hereby agents assign their peers numerical scores based on their reported transaction histories. In such systems, adve ...
In this paper, we give a constructive proof of the fact that the treewidth of a graph is at most its divisorial gonality. The proof gives a polynomial time algorithm to construct a tree decomposition of width at most k, when an effective divisor of degree k that reaches all verti ...
There are several notions of gonality for graphs. The divisorial gonality dgon(G) of a graph G is the smallest degree of a divisor of positive rank in the sense of Baker-Norine. The stable gonality sgon(G) of a graph G is the minimum degree of a finite harmonic morphism from a re ...
In this paper, we give a constructive proof of the fact that the treewidth of a graph is at most its divisorial gonality. The proof gives a polynomial time algorithm to construct a tree decomposition of width at most k, when an effective divisor of degree k that reaches all verti ...
We prove that the (divisorial) gonality of a finite connected graph is lower bounded by its treewidth. Graphs for which equality holds include the grid graphs and the complete multipartite graphs. We prove that the treewidth lower bound also holds for metric graphs (tropical curv ...
Mei vorig jaar zorgde de Nederlandse wiskundige Dion Gijswijt van de TU Delft samen met Jordan Ellenberg (University of Wisconsin) voor een doorbraak in het Cap Set-probleem. In dit artikel bespreken Aart Blokhuis en Dion Gijswijt het probleem en de gevonden oplossing aan de hand ...

The card game SET

A mathematical challenge

The card game SET connects to a wealth of mathematical ideas. Here, we will explore recent developments on the cap set problem.@en
In this note, we show that the method of Croot, Lev, and Pach can be used to bound the size of a subset of F n q  Fqn with no three terms in arithmetic progression by c n  cn with c<q c<q . For q=3 q=3 , the problem of finding the largest subset of F n 3  F3n with n ...
The standard proof of the equivalence of Fourier type on Rd and on the torus Td is usually stated in terms of an implicit constant, defined as the minimum of a sum of powers of sinc functions. In this note we compute this minimum explicitly.@en
Jarenlang verzorgde Dion Gijswijt de Problemenrubriek van Pythagoras. In 2004 bedacht hij een krankzinnige getallenrij, met de bedoeling dat het tot een leuke puzzel voor zijn rubriek zou leiden. Omdat hij zijn eigen probleem niet kon oplossen (toch wat te moeilijk voor Pythagora ...
We study the capacitated k-facility location problem, in which we are given a set of clients with demands, a set of facilities with capacities and a positive integer k. It costs fi to open facility i, and cij for facility i to serve one unit of demand from client j. The objective ...
Let M be a matroid on ground set E with rank function r. A subset l⊆E is called a line when r(l)∈{1,2}. Given a finite set L of lines in M, a vector x∈R+L is called a fractional matching when ∑l∈Lxla(F)l⩽r(F) for every flat F of M. Here a(F)l is equal to 0 when l∩F=∅, equal to 2 ...