J.M.A.M. van Neerven
119 records found
We show that the Connes-Rovelli thermal time associated with the quantum harmonic oscillator can be described as an (unsharp) observable, that is, as a positive operator valued measure. We furthermore present extensions of this result to the free massless relativistic particle in
Delayed choice experiments
An analysis in forward time
In this article, we present a detailed analysis of two famous delayed choice experiments: Wheeler’s classic gedanken-experiment and the delayed quantum eraser. Our analysis shows that the outcomes of both experiments can be fully explained on the basis of the information collecte
We consider operators acting on a UMD Banach lattice X that have the same algebraic structure as the position and momentum operators associated with the harmonic oscillator (Formula Presented) acting on L2(Rd). More precisely, we consider abstract harmonic o
The mapping properties of T will of course heavily depend on the assumptions made on the kernel K that we will discuss in more detail in this chapter.@en
This chapter presents an in-depth study of several classes of vector-valued function spaces defined by smoothness conditions.@en
In this chapter, we complement the discussion of three major themes of Fourier analysis that we have studied in the previous Volumes.@en
As we have seen in the preceding sections, in the context of inhomogeneous linear evolution equations, maximal regularity enables one to set up an isomorphism between the space of data (initial value and inhomogeneity) and the solution space.@en
In this chapter we address a couple of topics in the theory of H∞-calculus centering around the question what can be said about an operator of the form A+B when A and B have certain “good” properties such as being (R-)sectorial or admitting a bounded H∞-calc
Before addressing this question for the Calderón{Zygmund type operators of the kind studied in Chapter 11, we investigate a number of related objects in a simpler dyadic model. Besides serving as an introduction to some of the key techniques, it turns out that these dyadic operat
Analysis in Banach Spaces
Volume III. Harmonic Analysis and Spectral Theory
This third volume of Analysis in Banach Spaces offers a systematic treatment of Banach space-valued singular integrals, Fourier transforms, and function spaces. It further develops and ramifies the theory of functional calculus from Volume II and describes applications of these n
In this chapter we address two strongly interwoven topics: How to verify the boundedness of the H∞-calculus of an operator and how to represent and estimate its fractional powers. For concrete operators such as the Laplace operator or elliptic partial differential oper
This comprehensive introduction to functional analysis covers both the abstract theory and applications to spectral theory, the theory of partial differential equations, and quantum mechanics. It starts with the basic results of the subject and progresses towards a treatment of s
We prove a new Burkholder–Rosenthal type inequality for discrete-time processes taking values in a 2-smooth Banach space. As a first application we prove that if (S(t, s)) ⩽s≤t⩽T is a C-evolution family of contract
We present an analysis of the Frauchiger–Renner Gedankenexperiment from the point of view of the relational interpretation of quantum mechanics. Our analysis shows that the paradox obtained by Frauchiger and Renner disappears if one rejects promoting one agent’s certainty to anot
We show that if a sequence of piecewise affine linear processes converges in the strong sense with a positive rate to a stochastic process that is strongly Hölder continuous in time, then this sequence converges in the strong sense even with respect to much stronger Hölder norms
This paper presents a survey of maximal inequalities for stochastic convolutions in 2-smooth Banach spaces and their applications to stochastic evolution equations. This article is part of the theme issue 'Semigroup applications everywhere'.@en
We generalise the classical Weyl pseudo-differential calculus on Rd to the setting of two d-tuples of operators A = (A1,..., Ad) and B = (B1,..., Bd) acting on a Banach space generating bounded C0-groups satisfying the Weyl c
Extending results of Pardoux–Peng and Hu–Peng, we prove well-posedness results for backward stochastic evolution equations in UMD Banach spaces.@en
Let (A, A, μ) and (B, B, ν) be probability spaces, let F be a sub-σ-algebra of the product σ-algebra A× B, let X be a Banach space and let 1 < p, q< ∞. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions in order that the conditional expectation with respec
We prove R-bisectoriality and boundedness of the (Formula presented.)-functional calculus in (Formula presented.) for all (Formula presented.) for the Hodge–Dirac operator associated with Witten Laplacians on complete Riemannian manifolds with non-negative Bakry–Emery Ricci curva