Pierre Portal
8 records found
We show that the Connes-Rovelli thermal time associated with the quantum harmonic oscillator can be described as an (unsharp) observable, that is, as a positive operator valued measure. We furthermore present extensions of this result to the free massless relativistic particle in
We consider operators acting on a UMD Banach lattice X that have the same algebraic structure as the position and momentum operators associated with the harmonic oscillator (Formula Presented) acting on L2(Rd). More precisely, we consider abstract harmonic o
We generalise the classical Weyl pseudo-differential calculus on Rd to the setting of two d-tuples of operators A = (A1,..., Ad) and B = (B1,..., Bd) acting on a Banach space generating bounded C0-groups satisfying the Weyl c
We unify and extend the semigroup and the PDE approaches to stochastic maximal regularity of time-dependent semilinear parabolic problems with noise given by a cylindrical Brownian motion. We treat random coefficients that
Perturbed Hodge-Dirac operators and their holomorphic functional calculi, as investigated in the papers by Axelsson, Keith and the second author, provided insight into the solution of the Kato square-root problem for elliptic operators in L2 spaces and allowed for an e
In this paper, we introduce a Weyl functional calculus a↦a(Q,P) for the position and momentum operators Q and P associated with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator L=−Δ+x⋅∇, and give a simple criterion for restricted Lp-Lq
boundedness of operators in this functional calculus. The an
In this paper, we introduce a Weyl functional calculus a → a(Q, P) for the position and momentum operators Q and P associated with the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator L =Δ + x ∇ ,and give a simple criterion for restricted L
We study the Hodge–Dirac operators D associated with a class of non-symmetric
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck operators L in infinite dimensions. For p ∈ (1,∞) we prove that iD
generates a C0-group in L p with respect to the invariant measure if and only if p = 2 and
L is self-adjoint. An exp