Sonja Cox

4 records found


We show that if a sequence of piecewise affine linear processes converges in the strong sense with a positive rate to a stochastic process that is strongly Hölder continuous in time, then this sequence converges in the strong sense even with respect to much stronger Hölder norms ...

We analyze several types of Galerkin approximations of a Gaussian random field Z: D× Ω→ R indexed by a Euclidean domain D⊂ Rd whose covariance structure is determined by a negative fractional power L-2β of a second-order elliptic dif ...


Analysis of Two Problems in Network Transport

Flow through static foam in artificial fractures and Steady-state two-phase relative permeabilities in microfluidic devices

In this thesis two problems in network transport are analyzed.

The first problem concerns flow through static foam in artificial fractures. The objective is to determine whether the assumption of Li et al. (2021), that capillary pressure is uniform in the region of inte ...