10 records found


We formulate standard and multilevel Monte Carlo methods for the kth moment Mεk[ξ] of a Banach space valued random variable ξ:Ω→E, interpreted as an element of the k-fold injective tensor product space ⊗εkE. For the standard Monte Ca ...

Multilevel approximation of Gaussian random fields

Covariance compression, estimation, and spatial prediction

The distribution of centered Gaussian random fields (GRFs) indexed by compacta such as smooth, bounded Euclidean domains or smooth, compact and orientable manifolds is determined by their covariance operators. We consider centered GRFs given as variational solutions to colorin ...

We consider two Gaussian measures μ, ˜μ on a separable Hilbert space, with fractional-order covariance operators A−2β and Ã−2˜β, respectively, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions on A, Ã and β, ˜β > 0 for I. equivalence of the measures μ and ...

A new class of fractional-order parabolic stochastic evolution equations of the form (∂t+A) γX(t)=W˙ Q(t), t∈[0,T], γ∈(0,∞), is introduced, where -A generates a C 0-semigroup on a separable Hilbert spac ...

Optimal linear prediction (aka. kriging) of a random field {Z(x)} x∈X indexed by a compact metric space (X, dX ) can be obtained if the mean value function m: X →R and the covariance function ∂: X × X →R of Z are known. We consider the problem of predicting the value of Z(x*) ...

We analyze several types of Galerkin approximations of a Gaussian random field Z: D× Ω→ R indexed by a Euclidean domain D⊂ Rd whose covariance structure is determined by a negative fractional power L-2β of a second-order elliptic dif ...


Rough volatility models have become a prominent tool in quantitative finance due to their ability to cap- ture the rough nature of financial time series. However, these models typically have a non-Markovian structure, and this poses significant computational challenges. Existing ...
Spatiotemporal stochastic processes have applications in various fields, but they can be difficult to numerically approximate in a reasonable time, in particular, in the context of statistical inference for large datasets.
Recently, a new approach for efficient spatiotempora ...
In various scientific disciplines, measurement data is collected across space and over time with the aim of inferring information regarding an underlying stochastic spatiotemporal phenomenon. The high computational costs of current methods render this task intractable for the lar ...

Space-Time Parallel Algorithms for Boundary Element Methods

An exploration of parallelization, preconditioning and implementation for the heat equation in a space-time setting

In this thesis we revisit theoretical background for space­time boundary element methods for the heat equation and its implementation. We restrict ourselves to solving the one­, and two dimensional Dirichlet heat equation. A new approach is proposed to approximate the Galerkin ma ...