Blocking sets, minimal codes and trifferent codes

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We prove new upper bounds on the smallest size of affine blocking sets, that is, sets of points in a finite affine space that intersect every affine subspace of a fixed codimension. We show an equivalence between affine blocking sets with respect to codimension-2 subspaces that are generated by taking a union of lines through the origin, and strong blocking sets in the corresponding projective space, which in turn are equivalent to minimal codes. Using this equivalence, we improve the current best upper bounds on the smallest size of a strong blocking set in finite projective spaces over fields of size at least 3. Furthermore, using coding theoretic techniques, we improve the current best lower bounds on a strong blocking set. Our main motivation for these new bounds is their application to trifferent codes, which are sets of ternary codes of length (Formula presented.) with the property that for any three distinct codewords there is a coordinate where they all have distinct values. Over the finite field (Formula presented.), we prove that minimal codes are equivalent to linear trifferent codes. Using this equivalence, we show that any linear trifferent code of length (Formula presented.) has size at most (Formula presented.), improving the recent upper bound of Pohoata and Zakharov. Moreover, we show the existence of linear trifferent codes of length (Formula presented.) and size at least (Formula presented.), thus (asymptotically) matching the best lower bound on trifferent codes. We also give explicit constructions of affine blocking sets with respect to codimension-2 subspaces that are a constant factor bigger than the best known lower bound. By restricting to (Formula presented.), we obtain linear trifferent codes of size at least (Formula presented.), improving the current best explicit construction that has size (Formula presented.).