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D.C. Gijswijt

35 records found

One of the main focuses of this thesis is a special kind of symmetrical arrangement called a "Steiner system." Imagine trying to organize a group of objects in such a way that every possible subset of them fits together in a very specific and symmetrical pattern. These patterns a ...

The Gibbs phenomenon

Theoretical understanding and Resolution of the Gibbs phenomenon

In short, the Gibbs phenomenon describes the oscillating behaviour followed by an overshoot or undershoot of a Fourier partial sum expansion compared to the original function near jump discontinuities. In particular, the fact that this overshoot or undershoot will never decrease ...
This thesis explores and proves the theorem of De Rham using sheaf cohomology. The theorem of De Rham states that for a smooth manifold, the singular cohomology is isomorphic to the De Rham cohomology. Intuitively, this theorem states that the number of holes in a smooth manifold ...
Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are two species of bacteria that are involved in numerous conditions, including lung infections and chronic wound infections. The aim of this project was to study the short-term interactions that occur when P. aeruginosa first enco ...
Let (S, Σ, μ) be a divisible measure space. Let F be a collection of subsets of S that are in Σ. For some applications it can be useful to describe the overlap between the sets in F. The sparse and Carleson constant both describe t ...

Tuned Mass Damper or Viscoelastic Damper?

An analytical study on the effectivity of the Tuned Mass Damper and the Viscoelastic Damper in reducing the oscillations caused by an earthquake

Within this report, an analytical research will be performed on the effectivity of Tuned Mass Dampers (TMDs) and Viscoelastic Dampers (VEDs), and a conclusion will be drawn as to which is most effective in damping the oscillations of an earthquake. First of all, a simple model of ...

From Möbius Strips to Twisted Toric Codes

A Homological Approach to Quantum Low Density Parity Check Codes

In the past few years, the search for good quantum low density parity check (qLDPC) codes suddenly took flight, and many different constructions of these codes have since been presented, including many product constructions. As these code constructions have a natural interpretati ...
Context: In astronomy, collision detection is the computational problem of finding when planets, asteroids or satellites collide. Computer simulations make it possible to show very precisely how bodies move through space, which makes it possible to detect collisions. However, the ...
In this thesis, we use a variation of a commutator technique to prove that l^p-stability is independent of p, for p greater than or equal to one, and for convolution-dominated matrices indexed by relatively separated sets in groups of polynomial growth. Moreover, from the invers ...
In this thesis the Conjugate Gradient method used in the forecasting of the number of students in the Netherlands is investigated. The addition of international students to the forecasting led to mathematical problem of which a solution could not be computed. While the numerical ...
Implementing a correction to vesicle fluctuation analysis that accomodates non-zero exposure times, analysing the effects of the changes.

In this thesis, we give a primal-dual interior point method specialized to clustered low-rank semidefinite programs. We introduce multivariate polynomial matrix programs, and we reduce these to clustered low-rank semidefinite programs. This extends the work o ...

In this thesis, we introduce the quantum groups Uq(SL(2,C)) and Aq(SL(2,C)) as Hopf algebras. We study their representations, including their similarities and differences with the classical theory. We show that the eigenvectors of Koorwinder's twisted primitive elements of Uq(SU( ...
The concept of entanglement is one of the distinguishing features in quantum mechanics. Information about one particle can determine the state of another particle. This information and entanglement in subsystems is quantified by the entanglement entropy. The entanglement entropy ...
Dynamic Time Slot Management (DTSM) is a system often used in online retail to manage the delivery of goods to customers. With DTSM customers arrive over time and place orders. They get presented with a set of time slots and the customer picks the time slot in which he wants the ...
In line with the growing trend of using machine learning to improve solving of combinatorial optimisation problems, one promising idea is to improve node selection within a mixed integer programming branch-and-bound tree by using a learned policy. In contrast to previous work usi ...
Online P2P file sharing networks rely on the cooperation of participants to function effectively. Agents upand download files to one another without the need for any central authority. If agents all contribute to the network and share roughly the same amounts of data as they cont ...
Optimizing supply chain management in hospitals can lead to a significant reduction in costs. One of the supply chain processes that can be optimized is the sterilization of reusable instruments used during surgical procedures. This process takes place at the Central Sterile Supp ...
Waste-to-energy is the process of generating energy from municipal waste. The most conventional energy recovery method is incineration, which takes place at a waste-to-energy plant. The incoming waste is collected in a bunker, where an overhead crane stacks and mixes the material ...
A look at Wythoffs Nim, Wythoff rows and Akiyama's nim. We try to find a row and a game that match Wythoff's row and game. A row is found in the Lieshoutrow, but the game we chose: Akiyama's nim, wasn't close to the beauty of Wythoff's nim. We exolain why.