P.M. Visser

63 records found


Context. A double planet system or planet binary undergoes eclipses that modify the reflective light curve. In the time domain, the eclipse events are fast and weak. This would make their signal difficult to find and recognize in the phase light curve, even for small inclinations ...
Context. The weak orbital-phase dependent reflection signal of an exoplanet contains information on the planet surface, such as the distribution of continents and oceans on terrestrial planets. This light curve is usually studied in the time domain, but because the
signal fro ...


Gravitational Lensing

Black Hole Imaging

A black hole is an object in space where the pull of its gravity is so strong
that no light can escape. This notion gives rise to the phenomenon called
gravitational lensing which is the effect where light is being bent by a massive
object, in our case a black hole. W ...
Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) can account for a variety of phenomena on galactic scales without the need for dark matter, but it cannot fully explain the mass contained in galaxy clusters. We explore two possible solutions to this problem: relativistic extensions of MOND, an ...

Symmetry groups of regular polytopes in three and four dimensions

The Platonic Solids, Binary Groups and Regular Polytopes in four-dimensional space

A pentagon is an example of a highly symmetric polygon in two-dimensional space. The three-and four-dimensional analogue of these polygons are the regular polyhedra and the regular polytopes. There exist five regular polyhedra in three-dimensional space and these are called the P ...
The concept of entanglement is one of the distinguishing features in quantum mechanics. Information about one particle can determine the state of another particle. This information and entanglement in subsystems is quantified by the entanglement entropy. The entanglement entropy ...
In 2019 werd er voor het eerst een foto van een zwart gat gepubliceerd. Het betreffende super zware zwarte gat ligt in het midden van het sterrenstelsel Messier 87. In dit onderzoek willen we simulaties maken van hoe een foto van een zwart gat eruit ziet. Zowel voor een achtergro ...
In dit project worden vier vereenvoudigingen van de trebuchet onderzocht. Er wordt gekeken naar het rendement met betrekking tot de energie overdracht van het zware tegengewicht op het afgeschoten voorwerp. De invloed van het toevoegen van extra armen en wielen wordt onderzocht. ...

The Terrascope

Earth’s Atmosphere as a Telescopic Lens

This research contains the design, modeling, and analysis of the Terrascope. This apparatus intends to use the Earth’s atmosphere as a lens to bend light rays from celestial objects and focus them into a detector placed at a distance from the Earth, for example, the Moon. We deve ...
context: The long-term evolution of a self-gravitating astrophysical disk can be modeled using secular perturbation theory. Recently, Batygin published a paper where he claims that such a disk with a special density can be described by a Schrödinger equation by using this method. ...
E8 is a famous root system in mathematics. Lisi claims in his paper “An Exceptionally Simple Theory of Everything” that there is a connection between the standard model of the elementary particles and this root system. He claims that standard model has the same structure as the r ...
In this thesis we consider the reconstruction of albedo maps of exoplanets. This is done with a new variant of spin-orbit tomography that has been described in [Cowan and Agol, 2008] and more in depth in [Fujii and Kawahara, 2012]. This method reconstructs the albedo map from the ...
This thesis will focus on verifying the area-law for the entanglement entropy SN for spin-1 2 lattice systems in 2 dimensions, with ferromagnetic interactions defined by the nearest neighbour XX-model. The area-law implies that the SN of a subsystem is expected to scale proportion ...
This Bachelor thesis is on Covariant Emergent Gravity (CEG): a covariant formulation by Sabine Hossenfelder of the ideas of Erik Verlinde on gravity as an emergent force. In this work, the ideas of Erik Verlinde are presented as well as the field equations of CEG. The aim of this ...
In this text we used a quantum system of two quantum particles, specificallytwo qubits. One qubit acts as a detector in an equal weight superposition ofspin up and spin down. The two qubits in the system are entangled. To domultiple measurements on the system, w ...
Quantum thermodynamics takes over from classical thermodynamics when systems are of the scale of single particles and quantum fluctuations have a noticeable effect. An interesting topic of research of this relatively new field is the quantum battery, which in this thesis consists ...
In dit verslag wordt besproken hoe je deelwortelsystemen in het wortelsysteem E8 kan vinden. In het begin wordt er algemene theorie over wortelsystemen gegeven. Vervolgens worden er twee manieren besproken hoe je deelwortelsystemen in wortelsystemen kan vinden. Uiteindelijk worde ...
The aim of this research is to study a method to find exomoons and to find specific characteristics that point to the existence of exomoons. Exomoons are natural satellites orbiting an extrasolar (exo)planet in an extrasolar system. By looking at eclipses on exoplanets, we can fi ...

Optimisation of Propellant Consumption for Power Limited Rockets

What Role do Power Limited Rockets have in Future Spaceflight Missions?

In this thesis we look at the most cost-
effective trajectory for power limited rockets, i.e. the trajectory which costs the least amount of propellant. First some background information as well as the differences between thrust limited and power limited rockets will be discu ...

Het wortelsysteem van E8

Een model voor elementaire deeltjes?

In dit onderzoek wordt gekeken of het model voor elementaire deeltjes voorgesteld door de Amerikaanse fysicus Antony G. Lisi bevestigd of weerlegd kan worden. In dit model worden elementaire deeltjes gekoppeld aan wortels uit het wortelsysteem van E8 en worden ladingen gekoppeld ...