
J.W. van der Woude

55 records found

In this paper, we consider a linear time-invariant discrete-time system and study the output null controllability problem, i.e., the problem of steering the output to zero in a finite number of steps. We assume that we only know the structure of the system, i.e., the zero/nonzero ...
This paper addresses difference flatness for structured LTI discrete-time systems. Two forms of necessary and sufficient conditions for an output to be a structural flat output are given. First, a preliminary result algebraically defines a flat output in terms of invariant zeros ...

Secondary Frequency Control of Microgrids

An Online Reinforcement Learning Approach

In this article, we present a reinforcement learning-based scheme for secondary frequency control of lossy inverter-based microgrids. Compared with the existing methods in the literature, we relax the common restrictions on the system, i.e., being lossless, and the transmission l ...
We present a privacy-preserving distributed reinforcement learning-based control scheme to address the problem of frequency control and economic dispatch in power generation systems. The proposed control approach requires neither a priori system model knowledge nor the mathematic ...

Functional Target Controllability of Networks

Structural Properties and Efficient Algorithms

In this paper we consider the problem of controlling a limited number of target nodes of a network. Equivalently, we can see this problem as controlling the target variables of a structured system, where the state variables of the system are associated to the nodes of the network ...
We introduce a framework for studying controllability properties of discrete-event systems modelled as switching max-plus linear systems. In this framework, we generalise the notion of structural controllability to include the switching phenomenon. Such models provide an addition ...
We propose a framework for studying the stability of discrete-event systems modelled as switching max-plus linear systems. In this framework, we propose a set of notions of stability for generic discrete-event systems in the max-plus algebra. Then we show the loss of equivalence ...
In this paper we study linear structured systems described by means of system matrices of which only the zero/non-zero structure is known and where the non-zeros are supposed to have independent values. The structure of linear structured systems can be represented by means of var ...
In this paper we consider (large and complex) interconnected networks. We assume that each state/node, not belonging to a set of forbidden nodes of the network, can be selected to act as a steering node, meaning that such a node then is influenced by its own individual control. W ...
In this paper, we present a reinforcement learning control scheme for optimal frequency synchronization in a lossy inverter-based microgrid. Compared to the existing methods in the literature, we relax the restrictions on the system, i.e. being a lossless microgrid, and the trans ...
In this paper we consider complex dynamical networks modeled by means of state space systems running in discrete time. We assume that the dependency structure of the variables within the (nonlinear) network equations is known and use directed graphs to represent this structure. T ...
In this paper we study the controllability of interconnected networks that are described by means of structured linear systems with state-like and control variables. We assume that the systems operate in discrete time with the set of integers as the time axis. Further, we assume ...
In this paper we discuss a generalization of power algorithms over max-plus algebra. We are interested in finding such a generalization starting from various existing power algorithms. The resulting algorithm can be used to determine the so-called generalized eigenmode of any squ ...

This paper presents a secondary voltage control scheme for microgrids based on the port-Hamiltonian modeling framework. The proposed secondary controller compensates the deviations of voltage amplitudes from their nominal values using the concept of energy shaping, which is ...
In this paper we consider interconnected networks that are described by means of structured linear systems with state and control variables. We represent these systems, whose matrices contain fixed zeros and free parameters, by means of directed graphs and study questions concern ...
Conditions for the existence of a common solution X for the linear matrix equations UiXVj = Wi j for 1 ≤ i, j < k with i + j ≤ k, where the given matrices Ui, Vj,Wi j and the unknown matrix X have suitable dimensions, are derived. Verifiable necessary and sufficient solvability c ...