W.G.M. Groenevelt
27 records found
We show that Griffiths’ multivariate Meixner polynomials occur as matrix coefficients of holomorphic discrete series representations of the group SU(1,d). Using this interpretation we derive several fundamental properties of the multivariate Meixner polynomials, such as orthogona
A generalized dynamic asymmetric exclusion process
Orthogonal dualities and degenerations
In this paper, a generalized version of dynamic asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) is introduced, and it is shown that the process has a Markov duality property with the same process on the reversed lattice. The duality functions are multivariate q-Racah polynomials, and
An algebra is introduced which can be considered as a rank 2 extension of the Askey–Wilson algebra. Relations in this algebra are motivated by relations between coproducts of twisted primitive elements in the two-fold tensor product of the quantum algebra Uq (sl(2, C))
We study a Lax pair in a 2-parameter Lie algebra in various representations. The overlap coefficients of the eigenfunctions of L and the standard basis are given in terms of orthogonal polynomials and orthogonal functions. Eigenfunctions for the operator L for a Lax pair for sl(d
We study a class of interacting particle systems with asymmetric interaction showing a self-duality property. The class includes the ASEP(q, θ), asymmetric exclusion process, with a repulsive interaction, allowing up to θ ∈ N particles in each site, and the ASIP(q, θ), θ ∈ R
We study self-duality for interacting particle systems, where the particles move as continuous time random walkers having either exclusion interaction or inclusion interaction. We show that orthogonal self-dualities arise from unitary symmetries of the Markov generator. For these
We obtain stochastic duality functions for specific Markov processes using representation theory of Lie algebras. The duality functions come from the kernel of a unitary intertwiner between ∗-representations, which provides (generalized) orthogonality relations for the duality fu
We study the q-hypergeometric difference operator L on a particular Hilbert space. In this setting L can be considered as an extension of the Jacobi operator for q−1-Al-Salam–Chihara polynomials. Spectral analysis leads to unitarity and an explicit inverse of a q-analo
The 6j-symbols for representations of the q-deformed algebra of polynomials on SU(2) are given by Jackson’s third q-Bessel functions. This interpretation leads to several summation identities for the q-Bessel functions. Multivariate q-Bessel functions are defined, which are shown
We present a theorem which elucidates the connection between self-duality of Markov processes and representation theory of Lie algebras. In particular, we identify sufficient conditions such that the intertwining function between two representations of a certain Lie algebra is th
By use of a special case of Slater’s q-beta integral evaluation formula, we determine orthogonality relations for the Al-Salam–Carlitz polynomials of type II with respect to a family of measures supported on a discrete subset of R. From spectral analysis of the corresponding seco