J. Borregaard

17 records found

The generation of entanglement between distant quantum systems is at the core of quantum networking. In recent years, numerous theoretical protocols for remote-entanglement generation have been proposed, many of which have been experimentally realized. Here, we provide a modular ...
Color centers integrated with nanophotonic devices have emerged as a compelling platform for quantum science and technology. Here, we integrate tin-vacancy centers in a diamond waveguide and investigate the interaction with light at the single-photon level in both reflection and ...
Generating entanglement between distributed network nodes is a prerequisite for the quantum internet. Entanglement distribution protocols based on high-dimensional photonic qudits enable the simultaneous generation of multiple entangled pairs, which can significantly reduce the r ...
Characterizing the interactions and dynamics of quantum mechanical systems is an essential task in developing quantum technologies. We propose an efficient protocol based on the estimation of the time-derivatives of few qubit observables using polynomial interpolation for charact ...


Entanglement distribution with minimal memory requirements using time-bin photonic qudits (PRX Quantum (2022) 3 (040319) DOI: 10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.040319)

Recently we became aware of an important reference that was published during the preparations of our manuscript, which we failed to cite in the original paper. In Ref. [1], the authors propose a similar scheme for the generation of multiple entangled pairs between qubit registers ...

Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol

An in-depth theoretical and experimental study

The generation of entanglement between remote matter qubits has developed into a key capability for fundamental investigations as well as for emerging quantum technologies. In the single-photon, protocol entanglement is heralded by generation of qubit-photon entangled states and ...
One-way quantum repeaters where loss and operational errors are counteracted by quantum error-correcting codes can ensure fast and reliable qubit transmission in quantum networks. It is crucial that the resource requirements of such repeaters, for example, the number of qubits pe ...
We report on the realization of a multi-node quantum network. Using the network, we have demonstrated three protocols; generation of a entangled state shared by all nodes, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation between non-neighboring nodes.@en
As progress is made towards the first generation of error-corrected quantum computers, robust characterization and validation protocols are required to assess the noise environments of physical quantum processors. While standard coherence metrics and characterization protocols su ...
We propose neutral atoms coupled to telecom nanophotonic cavities as quantum network nodes. Our novel protocol for generating atom-telecom photon entanglement enables a scalable network architecture featuring identical qubits and direct telecom operation.@en
The generation of multiple entangled qubit pairs between distributed nodes is a prerequisite for a future quantum Internet. To achieve a practicable generation rate, standard protocols based on photonic qubits require multiple long-term quantum memories, which remains a significa ...
Future quantum internet applications will derive their power from the ability to share quantum information across the network1,2. Quantum teleportation allows for the reliable transfer of quantum information between distant nodes, even in the presence of highly lossy n ...
We propose neutral atoms coupled to telecom nanophotonic cavities as quantum network nodes. Our novel protocol for generating atom-telecom photon entanglement enables a scalable network architecture featuring identical qubits and direct telecom operation.@en
We describe a resource-efficient approach to studying many-body quantum states on noisy, intermediate-scale quantum devices. We employ a sequential generation model that allows us to bound the range of correlations in the resulting many-body quantum states. From this, we characte ...
With an ever-expanding ecosystem of noisy and intermediate-scale quantum devices, exploring their possible applications is a rapidly growing field of quantum information science. In this work, we demonstrate that variational quantum algorithms feasible on such devices address a c ...
The realization of a long-distance, distributed quantum network based on quantum memory nodes that are linked by photonic channels remains an outstanding challenge. We propose a quantum network node based on neutral alkali atoms coupled to nanophotonic crystal cavities that combi ...
We propose a novel one-way quantum repeater architecture based on photonic tree-cluster states. Encoding a qubit in a photonic tree cluster protects the information from transmission loss and enables long-range quantum communication through a chain of repeater stations. As oppose ...