M. Pompili
14 records found
We report on the realization of a multi-node quantum network. Using the network, we have demonstrated three protocols; generation of a entangled state shared by all nodes, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation between non-neighboring nodes.@en
Entangling remote qubits using the single-photon protocol
An in-depth theoretical and experimental study
The generation of entanglement between remote matter qubits has developed into a key capability for fundamental investigations as well as for emerging quantum technologies. In the single-photon, protocol entanglement is heralded by generation of qubit-photon entangled states and
Future quantum internet applications will derive their power from the ability to share quantum information across the network1,2. Quantum teleportation allows for the reliable transfer of quantum information between distant nodes, even in the presence of highly lossy n
Scaling current quantum communication demonstrations to a large-scale quantum network will require not only advancements in quantum hardware capabilities, but also robust control of such devices to bridge the gap in user demand. Moreover, the abstraction of tasks and services off
The distribution of entangled states across the nodes of a future quantum internet will unlock fundamentally new technologies. Here, we report on the realization of a three-node entanglement-based quantum network. We combine remote quantum nodes based on diamond communication qub
Entanglement-based quantum networks will provide exciting opportunities for science and engineering. Here, we report the realization of a three-node quantum network by generating distributed multi-partite entangled states and performing entanglement swapping through an intermedia
The Internet has revolutionized the way we live. It has enabled applications far beyond what it was originally built for, and it will continue to exceed our expectations for the future. Quantum computers, and the network that will connect them—the Quantum Internet— are likely goi
The purpose of an entanglement witness experiment is to certify the creation of an entangled state from a finite number of trials. The statistical confidence of such an experiment is typically expressed as the number of observed standard deviations of witness violations. This met
Quantum communication brings radically new capabilities that are provably impossible to attain in any classical network. Here, we take the first step from a physics experiment to a quantum internet system. We propose a functional allocation of a quantum network stack, and constru